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SMF - Just Installed!

How about Scroller?

Started by azazel, June 04, 2019, 07:25:56 pm

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Heyo guys, I know this is a little bit silly and rushed up question, since the server has been running the Dance of Gevrin update just for a few weeks, but is there any possibility of getting the Yoshino class for your server? I always enjoyed Skysong and Celan, but this class introduced mechanics and abilities which were literally my "dream class" for this game, and unfortunately, official server closed before I got a chance to try it out :/

I know you are working hard to get your content up-to-date (+ the "new-old" Classic JD server), so I would be more than satisfied if I know whether this class will be included in Reborn server any soon :)

Thanx and have a great day!
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