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Jade Dynasty Reborn Classic

Started by CompeR, April 19, 2019, 06:19:12 pm

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Jade Dynasty Reborn - Classic

I am planning to run an experiment that i had on my mind since few months already. New server will be launched soon.
This server won't supose to be direct competitor to main server, it is experminent in first place.
Main puprose of this sever is to satisfy nostalgia that many players mentions either on our discord or in my private messages. This will be basicly journey to the past.

Reborn Classic server specification:

* rates: pure official (1x)
* expansion: Ascension (5 classes) - with possible updates to 7,9,11,12 classes within few months cycle.
* old forgotten classic game events

development will be limited to unlocking events and minor marketplace changes, we wont involve (too much) into game economy and balance.

We will also apply few of our own custom mechanics known from main server:
* automated pvp events
* gj vote system for f2p players
* refferal program
* rewards for hours in game
* ascension locked till certain amount of players achieves LV150 pre asc.

and in the future:
* website lotteries
* website trader
* website banker


Classic server launch date: 27.04.2018 (this date may change during upcoming week)