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SMF - Just Installed!

Game Sages recrutation

Started by CompeR, July 03, 2018, 09:19:38 pm

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We are recruiting Game Sages.

We need 2-4 Game Sages.

- Helping players, anserwing gameplay questions.
- Hosting events
- Reporting issues and feedback directly to core team.

You can make you application below.
To do so, answer few questions:

1. Who are you? (No, we dont need personal data).
2. How long have you played JD?
3. How would you help players ?
4. What kind of events would you do?
5. What's your timezone.


1. Pakao, the one with a bow, don't think much introduction is needed.
2. Been playing since shura beta in official. didn't play much past two years tho.
3. I help players already,giving advices,helping with tier bosses and so on.
4. Hide and seek,pvp events,drop parties from time to time.
5. London time,neutral timezone :) so GMT in winter and GMT+1 in summer time.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.


Thalis Platonos 26 year oldam accountat
9 year playing jade dynasty at WL server
i can plvl help with tier quest and what ever the want to ask
mth cp etc
(GMT+3)Time in Athens, Greece


July 03, 2018, 09:31:33 pm #3 Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 09:33:31 pm by Kash
1: Kashumee people call me Kash
2: Since 2009
3:General guidance throughout experience and rationalization. I am also a Systems Admin so I am able to assist with any technical issues with proper documentation. Answering questions on forum as best I can etc.
4: Events would be based off abilities. Hide/Seek for example, Quizbowl type events and maybe even events that will help boost newer players such as Help a Noob style events for fun and player base growth. Pvp events etc. Race v Race. Ideas just keep on coming.
5: Eastern Standard.


1.Hey everyone! My name is Jacob, and I've been playing JD on and off since pre-ascension on official. Ingame my name is Salt.
2. As a said before, I've been playing JD for a long loong time now, I've played almost every private server as well, so I've experienced it all :p.
3. To me, helping players is something that just comes naturally. Whenever I see someone in need of assistance, whether it be an instance, help with tiers, etc., I always find it a pleasure to help, and hope that they pass on the favor to another person eventually. I feel it helps a little bit to the friendliness of a server when someone is willing to help people who need it. I'm also knowledgeable on many of the classes, so answering specific class questions is something I feel good at doing as well :).
4. I really enjoy the old-school events, H&S, 1v1 Pvp Events, and the like, I also like to do more interesting events, such as a race event, but I'm always open to new suggestions and thoughts to make the events more enjoyable to everyone :).
5. I'm in the Central Time Zone.
Thank you for looking over my application, and have fun everyone!!


1. Who are you? Hai i am Eternal(with a capital i for the L)
2. How long have you played JD? I have been playing JD on and off for about 6 years now. I am very sad that offical shut down...but im excited to get this server up and going!
3. How would you help players ? I would help the players with Tier quests sometimes leveling....any questions they have i will answer them to the best of my knowledge kindly and with respect.
4. What kind of events would you do? PvP events...hide and seek(which is my favorite) And maby some quiz's.
5. What's your timezone. I am from the United States and my time zone is EDT(ET)
I hope you pick me to help JD reborn!


July 04, 2018, 04:00:34 am #6 Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 04:51:48 pm by fuwamage
1. Who are you?
     My IGN : Navaya, you can call me nava ;D, I've been playing JD in Official EN, Official INA, and many mores Pserver JD. cheers!

2. How long have you played JD
    Since 2011. addicting game for meh ><

3. How would you help players
    I really like to interact & building connection with everyone, if someone need any helps, as long it's rational and not breaking the
    rules, i would like to help ;D like :
      -On Tier 3 Quest Give Spirit Talisman, Lifeblood Talisman, Focus Talisman
      -On Tier 4 Quest Killing Thunder Shield Beast King
      -On Tier 5 Quest Doin LT & Bamboos and guide them all.
      -Teamview Players if someone has troubles with their client about patching, or client always crashing.
      -Reporting issues and feedback directly to core team.
      -Helping Chroma Bosses / Affinity.
      -Ascension Quest.
      -And many mores.

4. What kind of events would you do?
    -Hosting Instance with Game Sage.
    -Hide and Seeks
    -JD Knowledge
    -Weekly PvP Tourney in a month, player have to register to Game Sage and there will be rundown who will enter the map first,  on
     the last week of the month weekly winners will doin PvP to get prizes.
    -Last man standing PvP.
    -And many mores.

5. What's your timezone.
    -GMT+7 but don't worry it's flexible times :))
If you need help or have trouble contact me via Discord or IGN Navaya, Cheers!


1. Who are you? My IGN is xAkiho, I'm from Colombia so I speak Spanish and my English is good enough  ;D
2. How long have you played JD? I started back in 2009 almost 10 years ago!
3. How would you help players ? I consider myself as a helpful person but a really slow player lol, so once I level up I can help with quest and other in game things, also Im avalible most time to help in discord with any questions .
4. What kind of events would you do? Fun stuff like pvp duels, hide and seek and since I love movies and TV shows I'll like to do some Quiz events!
5. What's your timezone  my time zone is Gmt-5 (Bogotá, Colombia hour)

Thanks for considering the players to help each other's with stuff like this !

Btw consider helping GM's with market items or special codes to give as awards on events, that way players will be more motivated and interested in participating.

And again Gracias!  ;D


Hi. My IGN is U'R<3, and to tell you the truth, I have never been a GS before. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
I started JD when Arden/Balo patch came up, like in 2009 i guess. Played the offiicial for like 2 years then left. I played all kinds of pservers.
I think i am a very helpful doooodddd with all kinds of information I have accumulated for all these past years, be it from official or pservers. I am also a practical person who can finish multiple quests at the same time by grouping them. (Me hating PVE  and being a lazy person could be two main reasons for this one i guess) I know most of the quests requirements and what it takes to accomplish them. (Instances included)
For events i would host group events and individual person ones. Well to be more precise, i got some ideas, and even when I run short on ideas, I can improvise.
I like hearing the ideas of multiple people before i decide on something. (I mean you are a GS but you can't act all the time like a smart ass who says "i know it all and I am better than all.")
I believe i am a fair person who can watch everyone see what they do in an event even each persons buffs.
I am an anti-drama person who uses his wits to stop a wc Q.Q'er.
My timezone is GMT +3 (An hour ahead of the server's time)
