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Quest Smiley Flower Treasure Map

Started by georgian, September 22, 2018, 12:05:42 pm

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Hey, someone  can help me with some information aobut this quest : Quest Smiley Flower Treasure Map

I want to chose Lupin faction and i have to do that quest. So i have to collect some flowers. Can you tell me where can i find them please?


You need to make a new character for this quest and take these quests:
1) Jadeon Treasure - 23-26 lvl by Dispatcher Tera.
2) Skysong Treasure - 38-41 lvl by Dispatcher Famin. In addition to it, this quest give you items, which can be used for up guild skill to third.
3) Treasure in The Billows - Around 45-60 lvl by Dispatcher Ningo.
4) Treasure in the Cave of Fangs - 64-67 lvl by Dispatcher Zong.
You get flower with 25% chance from this quests.