The first part of the guide can be found in the post by user justaz, for which I would like to thank him. Also here I will put the tips he wrote in his post to keep everything together, in one place. As far as I know, missions can be unlocked at level 165 (I was 166 when I started, so I don't know if it's true). It's also better to do all of Biography on Realm 11, as some NPC spawns are limited to it.
Part 1 from justaz
First, you need to go to the Dark Bamboo Grove in Jadeon. You find Black Bamboo there and destroy it until you drop an item: Fragrant Bamboo Tube. Once you have it in your inventory, go to Sunstream. Buy 5x Gold Brick from the Shady Dealer (1000g for one). Then you need to find the Dreamland Venddor NPC. It has no specific coordinates and moves within the city (a woman dressed in red with a sword in her hand).
You choose her quest called Fr.~Keel Knife(1/day). She takes 5 Gold Brick and you get a special knife. You need to be patient here, because collecting the task does not guarantee you will receive the knife. It's random, so you might get a message saying it's sold out. You have to repeat the task every day, once a day, until you receive the right item (it took me 10 days).
Once you have the knife, you need to click on the Fragrant Bamboo Tube to receive the Fragrant Bamboo.
This will allow you to pick up the quest from The Troubled Shaw Danon in Dark Bamboo Grove, in Jadeon (-405, 439).
After talking to the NPC, you are given the task of killing 10x Predatory Hornet around -135, -338 in Jadeon. This is not a difficult opponent.
After returning to Shaw Danon, you are given a task to collect Drunk Breeze. It is located near the rainbow bridge over the lake between Crystal Hall and Peak of Windows. Use the skyblade to fly under the bridge and look for a levitating object (112, 284). Then you'll go back to Shaw Danon (-338.97).
The next step is to find a clue near Shaw Danon (on the left when you are facing the NPC). You pick it up and talk to Shaw Danon. You are given the task of finding Big Yella (Jadeon 158, -125). After talking to this NPC, an enemy appears next to you and you must kill him. As a result, you will obtain Fragrant Roe Leg. You return to Sunstream and find Uncle Zhao (467, 628). You need to buy the Butcher Knife for 50g. Click on the Fragrant Roe Leg to get the Roe Leg and return to Big Yella. After feeding the NPC, you should receive the Deer Leg and return to Shaw Danon. Then you have to wait 2 hours in the game (if you leave the game, the countdown will stop until the next login).
Once the time is up, you talk to Shaw Danon again. After that, you need to go to Tian Bolis and use Salute on him. Then you will be able to talk to him. You will be tasked with collecting Three Wine Tours, which will be on the "A table of delicacies" table nearby. After collecting it, you will receive a dialogue. After talking to Shaw Danon, you are tasked with fighting on his behalf. You go to Amandla (-338, 98) to take the game task from him. Select Scissors to win (this may take several rounds, don't give up). When you complete the task, talk to Shaw Danon.
End of Part 1.
Part 2 - based on a guide from Chinese websites and my own experience.
You must go to Jadeon, Blade Manor (395, 218). Near the ruins sticking out of the ground, you will find a tree next to a stone. Sad Mushrooms grow behind the tree. Pick up one of them and use it. From what I read on Chinese forums, eating the first mushroom does not guarantee the start of the mission. You may need to eat more of them (I managed to do so the first time). As a result, you will get a strong bleeding debuff for 3 minutes. Try not to die during this time. Using the mushroom will trigger the quest. Near the place with the mushrooms you will find Shaw Danon Sad Phantom NPC (418, 216). Talking to him will activate Single Player Mode. He gives you a task to obtain 10x cat fruits. You go to the place marked in the questlog. You will kill Felina Felon until you get all the items. Then you need to collect Edelweiss flowers. From what I remember, the path to them is marked in the questlog.
After completing these tasks, you will be kicked out of Single Player Mode and must talk to Shaw Danon Sad Phantom in Blade Manor. After the conversation, you will automatically teleport and re-enter Single Player Mode. Get the quest from Shaw Danon and collect the Snow Pile nearby. Submit your assignment to Hindi. You will be teleported to Jadeon. Stick to the next tasks in the questlog. An item called "Poker" is located behind the railings of the building you are standing in front of. Return to the main square of Crystal Hall. To the left of the entrance there is a tree, a large tree on a stone. Use the Skyblade to get to Shaw Danon standing on the branch (34, 389). Talk to him until you get the task of killing Shaw Danon Deamon. He is under a tree and is an easy opponent. After this, you return to Shaw Danon in the tree. After the conversation, you will be kicked out of Single Player Mode and returned to Shaw Danon Sad Phantom.
End of Part 2.
Part 3 - based on a guide from Chinese websites and my own experience.
You now need to teleport to Billows and find the Dream Eater (428, 102). Kill it and collect the glowing items that fall from it. You have to kill him until Shaw Danon's Dream drops (it's random, it took me 8 kills).
Once you have this item, go to Jadeon, Dark Bamboo Grove and use the item in your inventory there. A green radar will appear and you will find the entrance to Shaw Danon's dream(-445, 333). To enter it, you must click on the radar until the dot turns into a pulsating red heart.
Once you're in the dream, you'll find Shaw Danon (-310, 377) nearby. You need to talk to him and then to Bilu, who is next to him. After the conversation, you will find a Dark Incense Box on the ground nearby. Collect this item. You will receive a quest and follow what appears in the questlog. When you reach the point where you have to wait 32 seconds, return to Shaw Danon and receive the next mission. Go to the indicated place. There you will meet the Jadeon Disciple Patrol. Kill them - easy. Return to Bilu and after completing the task, talk to Shaw Danon, which will cause you to wake up from dream.
After a while you will receive another task. Go to the place indicated in the quest (Billows). Once you're there, a dialogue will appear. Once you've finished it, go behind the well to the Dream Eater NPC. Talk to him and after the dialogue, use Salute on him. You will be tasked with collecting 30x Ironshell Pincer.
After collecting the items, give the quest to Dream Eater. You will get another task. To do it, you need to use the skyblade and fly above the well (not high, just enough to break through the collision box). In the water you will find shiny objects similar to those dropped by the Dream Eater. Generally, you can only see one in the well, but there are more of them. You just need to move your cursor around the well until you see the cursor change to pick up. You raise it again until you find Shaw Danon's Dream and then you get a dialogue. Use the item in the bag. You get another radar. This time, a pulsating heart should appear immediately when you are in the well. You need to click on them and you will go to dream.
While in the dream, next to the well (or even in it because he is stuck in the model) you will find Shaw Danon. It may be difficult to click on him, so when you are next to him, click on his name in the task in the questlog. This should automatically activate the dialogue. After the conversation, you will also find Bilu Phantom in the well. Talk to her and return to Shaw Danon. Receive the quest and follow the instructions in the questlog.
You will need to collect the Turning to the stars flowers, after which you will be teleported to Jadeon to the main square of the Crystal Hall. You will receive a dialogue, after which you will go to Shaw Danon at the top of the temple (climb the stairs as if you were going to Enu). After the conversation, you will automatically return to Billows to the place where you collected the receipts. Return to the well nearby. Once you are there, a dialogue will appear, after which you must talk to Bilu, who is this time where Shaw Danon was.
Use Skyblade in the next sentence. Fly up to the left of the well until you reach the Dark Incense Box (it's floating above the rocks). You need to collect 999 Turning to the stars, but don't worry, because you collect this amount immediately after the first use. Return to Bilu. After the conversation you will be kicked out of Single Player Mode.
End of Part 3.
Part 4 comming soon.