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Messages - nightmystic

Technical Issues / nirvana seal
April 01, 2020, 07:32:56 am
Having trouble getting the nirvana seal from Adren herald in Sunstream my point are over 200,000 and I still can't  get the seal need advice. thankyou ninghtmystic
Technical Issues / there not no 17 classes
March 30, 2020, 08:57:52 am
they are missing two classes one uses a scroll and the other a dragon spear. please fix this glitched.nightmystic
I would if I appreciate if I can get some assistance in the spirt appearance quest , I cannot locate Enu in the billows after the killing the riptide cutlass and the maiden Cutthroat. thankyou night mystic
Having trouble using the pet remedy battery I can't figure out the problem .please I need the assistance . thankyou night mystic
Please fix this glitch it happens to be on the every level reward starting from level 1 to level 90. I reach level 45 but I couldn't claim the reward chest or any other of the reward chest form past levels . Please fix thank you .nightmystic