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Messages - Hiroヲ

Hello guys,

I'm Hiroヲ from SeRenity Alliance... Today I want to share how I bloodsmelt my Esper... Since there is no video about it, I decided to create one for you guys... I've prepared a written guide below as an additional info for your reference.


Bloodsmelting is an ingame function to upgrade the stats on your esper.
Main reason why we do bloodsmelting is to increase the RES stats like STUN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, SILENCE and WEAKEN for PVP purposes.
In PVE, we can get enough 600+ RES even without esper, so if you are doing PVE, a fully bloodsmelted esper is not really a requirement

Apart from that, we can also gain extra HP, SP and AP stats from our ESPER to further develop our character.


TRUE, there are alot of guide regarding bloodsmelting, but none talking about the new bloodsmelting system, which offer far less works and less stress than the old bloodsmelting system. My purpose for this guide is to promote to everyone, that bloodsmelting esper now is very EASY and can be done in less than an hour if you have the resources.


Just for comparison purposes, I highlight some of the prerequisite of the OLD bloodsmelting system. It requires you to prepare material manually (I can assure you it requires tons of mouse clicking)... For what? For preparing  tons of LVL 105 DIVINED esper, your esper MEDIUM and LVL 1 Esper for the Orange stats. In addition, it also consume your bag space during bloodsmelting. This is a very time consuming job and it drains you. I think this is why most people choose to just simply BUY a finished product.

But fret not, the new BLOODSMELTING SYSTEM spare you from all those hard labour of preparing LVL 105 ESPER and finding the right ORANGE STAT on a LVL 1 Esper. With the new bloodsmelting interface called Esper Training, you only one click away (Okay I'll be honest, it's hundreds of click) from your dream Esper.


28 Treasure Bowl + 20 Gold per Bloodsmelting

For reference,

  • To just maxed RES and AP requires 2 stacks (plus minus) of Treasure Bowl (For Reference only) Actual amount might vary depending on your luck.
  • To Maxed AP, HP and RES (I used 4 Stacks of Treasure Bowl)
  • You need to know that when you bloodsmelt (usually at almost maxed out stat), there are three possibility when you press that Instant Bloodsmelting button.

  • Nothing happened (no increase or decrease)
  • Stat Decrease (the orange stat or other stat also can simulatneously decrease)
  • Stat Increase


Now, the cheapest but great ESPER to work on is the Heartrending Flower(HF) Esper which we can get for free. If you want to know how to get it for free, visit this LINK for the guide. It provide more RES than Firmus.

While a maxed FIRMUS if I'm not mistaken can gives 259 RES.
A HF Esper on the other hand can gives 27x - 28x RES.

You will need it in PVP, also it looks cool if you have a good Esper. Hahaha.

You also can buy HF Pack @ 300k gold and hope for a good stat.


After you get a HF Esper,
Level it UP to Level 30.
How? Use the Perfect Dragon Essence which you can get from UNDERSTREAM REWARD; cost 5 Token


you can go to Jade Exchange Girl (Girl in the middle) >>> Esper Exchange; cost 10 Welkin Green Jade. So pick your preference.

At level 1, you will see the esper RES stat (Probably) as follow:

Let say the numbers above is your esper starting stats. Take note of the highest starting stat which is 19. When you maxed your RES for example, 275 is maxed value for Paralyze, it should show something like below:

STUN 274 (19-1=18)
WEAKEN 274 (19-1=18)
PARALYZE 275 (19)
SILENCE 274 (19-1=18)
SLEEP 273 (19-2=17)

Back to the main question, how do we determine the esper in our hands is worth upgrading?

First, choose the highest stat (in this case is Paralyze = 19). Make it orange by choosing the specific stat. Make sure your Esper is already at LVL 30.

You will need Best Dragon Skin in your bag. If you don't have it, when you click Change Status, it will ask you to exchange it with 20 Sunny Jade. So its very time-saving feature of this system.

When you change Paralyze to ORANGE STAT, it will only increase Paralyze when you bloodsmelt them. It's like you telling the system to focus only on Paralyze. The system will not increase other stats.


In the case of stats decreasing, even those stats that are not orange will DECREASE.

Alright, when you already change Paralyze as the focus (ORANGE COLORED STATS), you can try to bloodsmelt it until it says "Bloodsmelting Failed" means you have reached the pinnacle, it wont increase further.

When this happen,

go to Webshop and buy 10x Tangon Jade to exchange for 10x Serpent Stone (For Paralyze RES).

Assimilate your esper with this stone to increase the limit even further for Paralyze Res.


Continue bloodsmelting until "Bloodsmelting failed" message appeared again.

As a point of reference (guideline) if let say you reached Paralyze Res 207 (After assimilating it with Tangon) @ Level 30 Esper,

then you can add 70 point to it as a rough measure of final RES at Ascended LVL 37.

Meaning when you make your esper level 37 ascended, you will have roughly 207 plus 70 = 277 RES.

Remember adding 70 point not written in stone. It is just rough estimate to measure your esper potential. Might be less but just around that number.

That is why you will see some people sell HF Esper at lower price eg. 100k full set because they don't like the potential of the Esper. So, if you like it, you can bought it at significantly lower price. Usual price for HF pack is 300k gold. I've bought one once and when I finished bloodsmelting it, I got 271 RES. Not bad right?

Esper is unique.
Even a HF Esper might've different starting stats than another HF Esper.
Even though you have the same starting stats, the final growth might differ too.
So its all about your luck.

Some people aim for 28x RES... but the base line should be 27x is considered good RES value for a HF Esper.


You need Spirit Dust (500)
pricing around 500g-600g

With each Spirit Dust Pack you can exchange for 50 TB.

So, If you want 1 stack of TB, you will need 200 Spirit Dust Pack

Total Cost for 1 Stack of TB is
• 100k gold (assuming you bought Spirit Dust (500) at 500g each)
• 120k gold (assuming you bought Spirit Dust (500) at 600g each)

1 Stack Treasure Bowl(TB) : 9999 pcs
1 Bloodsmelt require 28 Treasure Bowl + 20g

For 1 Stack of TB, you can do 357 bloodsmelting x 20g = 7142 gold

There's also cost for Best Dragon Skin. I recommend you prepare 50-100 pcs of that. You need 2000 Sunny Jade which usually sell at 5g each. So cost for Sunny Jade is around 10k gold.

So to sum it up,
For a 2 stack TB,
You will need 200k gold (Treasure Bowl Cost) + 14,284 gold (Bloodsmelting Fee) + 10k gold (Sunny)
= 224,284 gold.

Now you can have a rough estimate on cost for maxing an Esper.

If you decide to use HF Esper, then it will be another 300k gold extra expenses.

If there any correction on anything, feel free to do so.
Thanks so much!
Hello everyone,

I'm Hiroヲ from SeRenity Alliance...

I want to share with you the method to obtain your own Heartrending Flower Esper which you can sell for 300k gold, or just use it for your own character.

How do we get Heartrending Flower Esper?

We need to do some PREP work first, that is to gather

500 x Primal Iceheart from Shura Gauntlet

After getting 500 Primal Iceheart

Buy 300 Taniska Charm from Webshop

After gathering the material above, now we are ready to do the quest.

Quest Giver :
New Sunstream Bilu

Location (Coord) :
(420, 423)

After speaking to Bilu, she will give you an item called Heartrending Flower (Seal) which you need to use in order to kill her Pet.

After killing her pet, now return to Bilu to hand in your quest.

She will randomly include the Heartrending Flower (Promo) item to you.

If you are lucky enough to obtain it,
you can speak to Bilu again to UPGRADE your Heartrending Flower (Promo) into Heartrending Flower Pack.

Congratulation on obtaining HF Pack!

Below is a video I created as a guide to run Shura Gauntlet and completing Missing You Quest.


Hello to all fellow JDR player, my name is Hiroヲ from SeRenity Alliance.

This post is targeted for those who are not aware of the benefit that we can get from participating in PVP Event.

Watch Video below to have an idea on what PVP activities available in Jade Dynasty Reborn. In the video, I have explained several stuff about PvP Activities that we can participate, from Daily PVP to Weekly PVP.

If someone have problem turning off (untick) PVP protection for white name player, I also explained them in the video.

I recommend that you watch the video and read the written material here.

Alright, lets get started...
Do you ever wonder how people can get certain item that has great stats?
Like this NECKLACE (Delicate Jasper Necklace)?

Does it cost a lot of GOLD?
NO! Its Free.

Its only cost you your TIME for participating PVP activities. You just need to collect an item called EVENT TOKEN

How many EVENT TOKEN do we need to get for the necklace?
Only 250 EVENT TOKEN for that Necklace. Not bad huh?

How to collect those Event Token or rather which PVP activity to do in order to get those Event Token?
Below you can see a list of activities that I divide into two different category that is daily and weekly.

Daily Activities

1) Daily Battleground (5 Event Token)

2) Battle for Supremacy (BfS) (2 Event Token)

3) Royal Pen (2 Event Token)

4) Automated PVP Event (1 or 2 Event Token Depending on the Event)

Weekly Activities

1) Genesis Sanctuary (20 Event Token once Weekly)
Every Friday all day long

Just register for Genesis Sanctuary every Friday. Most people actively registering for Genesis after server reset. There are tons of people waiting in line to do it.

Its most eye catching rewards are 20 Event Token and Mithril Sigil (+15 Sigil).

If your group manage to be victorious, you can claim the First Win Pack.

If not, you can still participate in another round of Genesis after the current one ended to try and win the battle.

6) Last Man Standing (40 Event Token) - Every Saturday 21:00


I have provided the guide to register for LMS in the video above.
***Important for first time participation

After you successfully registered, you can see your character name on the list of participant.

You can enter LMS map 5 minutes before the event start at 21:00. So at 20:55 server time, the quest to enter LMS map will be available at Old Sunstream SkyLord on Saturday R11 for +15 category or Sunday R12 for +16 category.

Note: Don't try to enter LMS Map if you have not yet register to avoid bann.

After entering LMS map, please don't start PVP until the event started. After the event started, it will be an AoE fest in there. Most probably you will die in the blink of an eye. But don't worry, in order to be eligible for rewards, you just need to DIE once. After your character died, you will be teleported to new Sunstream town.

Don't get involve with any kind of PVP until event has ended, but you can go afk grinding while waiting for rewards.

After the event ended, you will need to wait around 30 minutes before the rewards sent to your Account Stash on website.

7) Territory War(TW) (30 Event Token) - Every Saturday 20:00
If you are thinking of doing TW then you will need to be in an Ally.
Find Ally that are active in TW.

You cannot participate TW if your character just joined your current Ally. If I'm not mistaken, there are waiting period of seven days since the day you joined your Ally before you are allowed to participate in TW.

Your Ally member will tell you which Flag to go to. (FYI, Flag in certain part of maps, will be the entry point to TW). It is a fun event to participate in. That place is huge.

To be eligible for reward, at least Kill one time or Die one time.
Don't be afk, you won't get anything by doing nothing.

How many Event Token can we obtain per day?
If we do a little math, by doing daily PVP activity we can actually get at least 9 Event Token and this is still not including the PVP Event Token we get from Automated PVP Event.
If we did all the weekly activities, we can get 90 Event Token.
All in all in a week we will get at least 153 Event Token.

So if all goes well, you will need less than 2 weeks to complete 250 Event Token.
That is all for my guide for Jade Dynasty Reborn PVP Activities.
Any correction or constructive criticism is very welcomed.

Guides / [GUIDE] Fort (Instance) ft Dagos Ceros
April 22, 2022, 03:02:08 am
Hello everyone, I'm Hiroヲ from SeRenity Alliance this is a short guide for Fort (Instance) guide specifically on a Dagos Ceros (If you wish just to watch my Solo Fort run video, it's at the end of this post. In the video, you can see each boss).

I will start this guide by answering question.

1) Why do you want to do FORT(Instance)?

To get,

Light of Reborn

to upgrade

Empyrean Emblem at NPC Jude in new Sunstream City.
1st Upgrade : require 15 pcs
2nd Upgrade : require 35 pcs
3rd Upgrade : require 75 pcs

Total : 125 Light of Reborn

Lazybone Blessed Bag
(Look at the list of reward below)

Divine Soul Coupon
(Esper Card) exchange material

Chroma Bead Pack (3000)

Kirin Sigil

Dragon Sigil

We also get sigil shards in there.

A little side note, if possible, do Fort during Double Drop bonus to maximize gain from each run.
Just ask in WC whether the DD bonus is ongoing.


you can go take a quick look in JDR Website

Login > Account > Sponsor Server Boost > Scroll down a bit till you see DROP Rate

If Double Drop bonus is ongoing, you will see something like this

If Double Drop bonus is OFF, you will see something like this

2) What kind of stats do I need to have to Solo Fort?

Thanks to my Alli member (MiRai) for this precious info.
Atleast 600 Stun RES,
if u get stun locked, you wont deal damage, and 1st boss will heal itself.

Attack Power (AP) the higher the better, but my AP during 1st Solo try is at 35k. (I finished Fort in 35 minute) now at 52k AP I finished it in 15 minutes.

I know its a long time but it will be rewarding for you.
An Alli member I knew said he finished fort in 4 minutes XD.

Atleast 240 Skill Accuracy to hit most of your skills on 1st boss (Nirvana Revolutionist), and our goal is 255 Skill Accuracy to hit all mobs and bosses.

If you have Damage Reduction at 50%-60%, boss will hit you around 20k damage, but you will be able to easily pot it if you have 100-200k HP.

Thats all for the needed stats.

How do you achieve those stats easier, well below I posted a screenshot on a card build for those who want to challenge fort earlier (this is not just for Ceros) other faction can use it as well.

BTW, this build was shared to me by my Alliance member Raika. Already got his permission to share it with you guys. Hope it helps. All the cards is easy to get and upgrade.

3) What is my Esper setting on my Dagos Ceros?

Before I start boss fight, I will use Distinct Roar Posture to get Damage Buff, Rising Clouds II, Rising Cloud I then Fierce Lance Posture.

After that, I will turn on Invigoration.

If you noticed, I deliberately let 1st skill slot on esper EMPTY. Why? To drag Frost Reservoir or Perceptive Rhythm if necessary.
Refer to picture below for my Esper setup:

From left to right:
Battle Ready > Savage Rivalry > Stoneburst Sky > Polar Current (Chroma) > Dragon Roar (Arcane) > Conqueror's Might (Chroma) > Dragon Roar > Windstorm III (or the normal Windstorm is fine)

Remember to buff again when Rising Cloud off CD.

For those of you that has no idea where to find Battle Ready and Stoneburst Skill,
press R > Affinity (Refer to pic below)

Alright, During Fight,
In the case of fighting a dangerous boss,
Before I turned off ESPER, 

I drag perceptive Rhythm or Frost Reservoir on empty esper skill slot,
after the Damage Immune active,

then I turned off ESPER,

(From Right to Left on skill bar)

proceed with Distinct Roar, Rising Cloud II, Rising Cloud I, Fierce Lance,

then turn ESPER back on (and don't forget to drag that skill (FV or PR) out).

For those who curious about Fort(Instance), Want to know what to kill? or Where to go?

You can watch my Solo FORT run below.

Any constructive criticism is very welcomed.
Cheers & Good LUCK!