March 14, 2025, 07:27:02 am


SMF - Just Installed!

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Messages - mano

enu who complete this quest located in conversation hall in southeast of Billows
can u tell me instead where i can go inside Dijin Palace to get that quest done?
because coords didn't work with me plz
it didn't work as that coord directed me to  a place called brush path at east of Shura!!!
Here it is.
Technical Issues / JD plot quest can't be done !
May 27, 2019, 04:28:22 pm
i got quest JD plot titled (coming disaster) and sub titled (puzzle) it says travel to Djinn palace, i went there but nothing! the quest doesn't pop up and complete!!! what i can do to complete it or where i can go inside that palace to get it done???
Technical Issues / can't find Zorio
February 13, 2019, 05:27:27 pm
i tried map alot to locate him but in vain, i coudn't do my tier 2 quest because i can't find him, now i became level 62 and still tier 1!!! please help me how can i find him???