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Messages - KillerWasp | WaspMan

Annoucements / Patch Notes
February 24, 2021, 01:31:56 am
Patch Version 20 contains the following:

- Fixed the Attack Gear set forge.

- Added a new Deity Forge for the Attack Gear set.
- Added a new Supreme Boss with a daily quest.
- Added some more fashions to the boutique.
Annoucements / Patch notes
February 17, 2021, 12:31:40 am
Client Version 40 contains;

* Marketplace Changes.

* Fixed some minor issues.
* Fixed missing NPCs.
* Fixed Quests.
* Fixed icons.
Annoucements / Notes for Version 19
January 28, 2021, 05:25:05 pm
@everyone the server is back up, you can now patch & login.

**Patch Version 19 contains:**

* ***None***

* Discontinued the `Reborn Daili I` Quest.

* Added the Halloween Titles.
* Added new G17 Armour to the Deity Forge.
   -> A Quest for this will be added next week or so. Please let us know what you think of the gear.
* Added the `Reborn Daily I` Quest rewards to the `Bonus Quest`.
* Added the missing titles as well as new ones.
Annoucements / Patch notes Client Version 39
January 16, 2021, 06:46:03 pm
@everyone the server is back up and you can now patch & login.

Christmas Event Quests and Drops have now been removed.

Client Version 39 contains;

* Changed the daily rewards for the `Event` tab.
* Other minor changes.

* Fixed all instances in the game, they should now work in 2021. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Contact CompeR via our Discord server and see if he can help you.
Guides / Re: chrome tier guide, 4th tribulation
December 26, 2020, 03:57:31 pm
Thanks for this, the 2nd part is indeed somewhat confusing for a lot of players. Especially new or returning players that have never reached that level of the game.
Annoucements / Client Patch Version 37
December 21, 2020, 12:56:58 am
Hello all, We hope you are all doing well.

Please note the patch is around 3-6 GB large.

Todays patch contains the following changes, fixes and more:

* Fixed the Loli Brahma gear appearance.
* Fixed the names for `Winter Headpiece` Male and Female being switched.
* Fixed the `Grief Lost Art` Quest Chains. Thank you for your patience.
   -   Check Da'na for more information.
* Fixed Skill Scroll Shop description popup (Can now preview Skill Scroll's details).
* Fixed dropped item models and sounds.
* Fixed some minor interfaces.
* Fixed item/description translations.
* Fixed the error messages when a file is broken. They are now all in English.
* Fixed some item names.
* Fixed the error of `Reborn Root Quest` showing in everyones quest trackers.

* Changed the begining quest to join Falconer from `New School----Remnant` to `Join the Falconer instead`.
* Changed the respawn of RAI Bosses from 0 to 48 hours and added the port to Da'na.
   -   This means, you can do this every 48 hours (172,800 Seconds or 48 hours from time of death.) if you wish to. **DO NOT TAKE THESE BOSSES FROM LOWER PLAYERS. HELP IF THEY NEED HELP. DO NOT BE GREEDY. THANK YOU.**
* Changed `Advanced Fossil Box` to have a chance to give 500 `Advanced Smelting Stones` with a small chance.
* Changed the name of the pet skill `Origin of Power Technique` to `Cloud Swallow` to match the skill on the pet.
* Changed the name of the pet skill `Chi Fury Technique` to `Mountain Ranger` to match the skill on the pet.
* Changed some category names on the Sycee Market.
   -   `Misc` > `Hidden Weapon` is now `Misc` > `Projectile Box`.
   -   `Fashion` > `Dyes` is now `Fashion` > `Misc`.
* Changed `Omni Mirror` position in the Sycee Market to `Fashion` > `Misc`.
* Changed some config files so now all tabs and windows (except Lost Art Skills tab) have been unlocked on creation of a character. Old characters should also have their tabs unlocked.
   -   Tabs such as Gem, Legendary, Celestial etc are included in this file.
* Changed the tab `Mounts` to `Mount/Pet` since it has both mounts and pets in it.
* Changed `Luck-Changing Bead` usability from 50 a day to 100 a day.

* Added `Instant Lost Art Scrolls` to the game.
* Added `Instant Lost Art Scrolls` to the Sycee Market under `Reborn` > `Offer`.
* Added Class Change items to the Sycee Market under `Misc` > `Class Changes`.
* Added two new Christmas Season Quests. Complete them for rewards.
* Added missing Quests for the `Grief Lost Art` to Da'na in Fu Giu.
* Added a few more daily quests to get some nice rewards.
* Added special buffs to the `Christmas Exchange` on Da'na with a timer of seven(7) days as of purchase.
   -   This is to prevent stockpiling.
* Added `Christmas Gifts` (Different to the ones from Quests!!) to the drop tables of mobs lv30+ with a drop chance of 5%.
* Added new Marketplace banners.
* Added lv1-lv3 Companion Skills to `Companion` > `Skill Scrolls`.
* Added a redeem code quest to `Da'na` for Male, Female and Loli that will be given out before/at Christmas.
Annoucements / Patch Version 36
November 14, 2020, 11:28:16 pm
This weeks patch version 36 contains;

* Attempted fix for the E'mei weapons.

* Changed the quest A World Without Thieves to be able to be completed a maximum of 15 times up from the old six(6) times.
* Loveless Valley Entrance/Depths/Dead Zone now require a minimum of three(3) players.
* Changed some interfaces.
* Major changes to the Sycee Market, check it out.

* Added class change items to the game for the future.
Annoucements / Patch notes for Version 35
October 31, 2020, 07:16:38 pm
Hello all, todays patch contains;

v35 contains;

**Halloween Event has been launched. Find `Halloween Spiders` and exchange them at Da'na in Fu Giu.**
***This event will last for one week and will be patched out. You will be able to exchange the drop for RC after the Event, just like the Easter Event Drop.***

* Fixed the names of the colours when dying fashions. They are now all in English.
* Fixed a few quest names still showing in Chinese.

* Changed `Hall of Heroes` level requirements to level 90, up from level 70.
   -   Additionally the instance now requires a minimum of three(3) players and a maximum of six(6) players.

* Added a `Rookie Endurance Pill`.
* Added/fixed item descriptions.

* *None*

* *None*
Annoucements / Patch notes Client Version 18
October 29, 2020, 01:53:40 am
Patch Version 18 contains:

* Fixed the PvE Item description.

* Added Pumpkins to the world map for the Halloween weekend.
Annoucements / Patch Version 16
October 02, 2020, 01:15:45 am
**Patch Version 16 contains:**

* Reverted the `Lothranis` and `Momaganon` mob drops.

* None.

* None.
Annoucements / Patch notes Client Version 15
September 30, 2020, 11:50:18 pm
Hey guys, todays patch contains the following changes:

**Patch Version 15 contains:**

* Fix attempt on the daily items not having a timer.
* Fix attempt on a few other unseen aspects of the game.

* Changed the drops of the monsters in `Firecrag Grotto` to now have a chance to drop the `Lothranis` and/or `Momaganon` Caches instead of the individual items.
* Changed [boosted] the drop tables for the mobs inside `Secret Frostcover Grounds`.
* Changed all Lothranis and Momaganon mob drops back to default.

* Added the Promo Code stuff.
Annoucements / Patch notes Client Version 14
September 08, 2020, 12:57:17 am
Hello all, todays patch notes are the following:

* Fixed the light DB chest armours icon.
* Fixed the `Reborn Exchange Forges` exchange for `Nebula Dust Orb` requiring the wrong ID on the x10 and above.
* Fix attempt on `Lothranis` and `Momaganon` Caches not giving any rewards or failing and giving nothing.
* Fixed the issue where `Lothranis Cache` would not auto start the opening process. (Wrong Quest ID).
* Fixed some mistaken icons.
* Fixed the issue with `★★★Archangel Sleeves of Justice` not needing `Feather of the Just` or `Coin of the Just`.
* Fixed the `Madness Begins` quest requiring the wrong `Fling` boss.
* Fixed the issue regarding the `Celestial Sage` and `Celestial Demon` items. Please read changes/additions.

* Removed the `Nebula Dust Orbs` that would not give an increased amount of `Astral Energy EXP`.
* Changed the whole `rare_item` file to only contain certain custom items and Rank gear.
* Changed the `Celestial Sage` and `Celestial Demon` items into exchangeable at the `Reborn Specials` forge. Please exchange them for the new item.
* Changed most of the Culvitation quests you have from the start to be able to be given up. This is to make space in your quest log if it is needed.
* Changed the whole `rare_item` file to only contain relevant items such as the `Reborn Gear` and more.

* Added an exchange for the `Nebula Dust Orbs` ***that did not work*** (see above) so you can exchange them back into the normal Orbs.
* Added two quests for the Cultivation progression. Use the new item(s) to select your new cultivation path. There is a fail-safe on this quest so please do not try to abuse it or we will have to ban you for trying to cheat.
* Added more exchanges for `Reborn Gear Tokens` to the `Event Exchange`.
* Added three new items for the daily quests to the `Reborn Daily I` sign in reward.
* Added two packs for skills; `●Sage Skills` and `○Demon Skills` to the `Event Exchange`.
Annoucements / Patch v50
August 27, 2020, 02:08:54 am
Hey all, here are the patch notes.

Please let us know if you encounter any errors/bugs.

* Fixed some quests to now give Nightshade flyers.
* Fixed an issue regarding `Reborns Tome of Faith`. It can now be crafted at the `Reborn Specials Exchange` forge.
* Fixed the daily limit of `Buff Pack`.
* Fixed the issue with the `Cave of the Vicious` not reducing players earning time.

* Changed the HP from the mobs for the Deity Lord quests to a tenth of what they were before. (Nerfed HP)
* Changed the drops from the mobs for the Deity Lord quests. (Nerfed Drop rates)
* Changed the `Reborn Crystal` and other item chances on the `Lothranis` and `Momaganon` Caches to now drop less.
   -   RC has been changed from 25 > two(2) (add a zero(0) to each bigger pack so, 20, 200, 2000), and from 19.96% to 15.0146% on all packs.
   -   Full change;
   Large Life Potion   25   20.7100%
   Large Magic Potion   12   11.4300%
   Lucky Star   12   8.0000%
   Reborn Crystal   25   19.9600%
   Supply Tokens Pack   5   39.9000%
   Large Life Potion   25   25.9993%
   Large Magic Potion   12   16.9526%
   Lucky Star   12   13.0336%
   Reborn Crystal   2   15.0146%
   Supply Tokens Pack   5   29.0000%
* Changed all sources of the `Nebula Dust Orb` that gives no `Astral Energy` to the `Nebula Dust Orb` that gives one(1) per usage.
* Changed all cultivation missions mutex (disables old/new tasks after completion) to the `Aware of Vacuity` skip quest.
* Changed the `Madness Shard` drop on `Reborn Mirage Queen` to `Madness Shard Pack`.
* Changed the location of `Poisontail Occultist` from `Cave of the Vicious` to just outside the entrance of the cave.
* Changed [Removed] the added skill on the monsters inside of FC that gave a speed buff to zero(0).
* Changed the craft metrix for the g17 helms and added them to the `Reborn Exchange Forge` instead.
   -   You will no longer be able to keep refine/gems inside the helm due to this issue.
* Changed the health of `Illusion of Grandeur`.
* Changed the `Feather of the Just` and `Coin of the Just` drop chances from 6.25% to 2%.
* Changed the SP gain inside of FC to x10 (increased current) and inside PV to x100 (increased current).
* Changed items on the `Event Exchange` to go with the new Event GMs suggestions and thoughts.
* Changed the protection type on Cards. You can now sell them to an NPC.
* Changed the values on both `Large Life` and ` Large Magic` Potions to 8,000.

* Added a new quest that triggers after the `Welcome Pack` quest to give a class flyer.
* Added two daily quests (can complete ten times) to the fb51 `Frostcovered Grounds` to obtain Grade 17 weapon items.
   -   `Complete Chaos Run` is required for this. To activate it, first choose `Chaos Mode` on the NPC.
* Added an exchange for the `Nebula Dust Orb` to the `Reborn Exchange` forge in West.
* Added the `Rising Dawn Forge` to Archo West.
* Added DB and SB skills to `Spirit of Morai` in 1k.
* Added a quest `To the Deities` to the `Reborn Wayfinder`.
* Added the quest `Complete Chaos Run` to `Empyrion Mota'ku` inside `Secret Frostcover Grounds`.
* Added 100 PvE Titles to the Boutique and the `PvE Title Exchange` in Archo West.
* Added a `Nuema Portal Pack` to the Boutique.
* Added a quest to `Return to the Cave` if you die inside `Cave of the Vicious` to the `Reborn Wayfinder`
* Added `Basic Badge` to another drop table with a 6.5% chance to drop.
* Added the `Reborn Mirage Minion` mobs to the `Reborn Mirage Queen` daily spawn.
* Added more `Nebula Dust Orb` variants that give different amounts of EXP to the `Reborn Exchange`.
* Added a `Madness Shard x10|x100` exchange to `Reborn Exchange` for one(1|100) `Madness Shard Pack`
* Added a whole bunch of things from Official PW that we hope to release to players gradually to give them something to work towards.
Annoucements / Patch v48(10)
August 14, 2020, 11:03:35 pm
Hey guys, todays patch contains the following changes:

* Fixed the `Necklace Engrave Reroll Chest` and it now contains `Supply Tokens` instead of `General Summer's Token`
* Fixed an issue with the Deity Lords.
* Fixed an issue with the `Momaganon` and `Lothranis` caches crashing the world map.

* Changed the quests for the Deity Lord Daily and Weekly quests to now be taken via an exchangeable item at the Deity Lords, which costs one(1) `Supply Token` each.
* Changed the name of the `Special Gear Forge` to `Reborn Specials Exchange`.

* Added 118 new Fashion Weapons to the Boutique.
* Added a way to bypass all lower level shards on the `Combine` tab at `Jewelcraftsman Yi`.
   -   As per the database, you require 7.776.000 LV1 Gem Shards to make one(1) LV12 Soulgem.
* Added LV12 Soulgems to the Boutique until the next patch.
   -   **!!SALE!!**
* Added the `Minor Homestead Supply Crate` to the `Reborn Specials Exchange` forge for 5,000 `Supply Tokens`.