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Messages - William

Guides / How to Farm LV120 Gear
December 19, 2020, 08:15:36 am

Part I: Twin Cities Dailies

The LV120 gears compose of many parts. Twin Cities, the new map, has 5 daily quests for gold accessories + gold hands. Enter this map at NPC Paul, select option and look at the right side. Teleport to Twin Cities Light. Make sure you're LV120 or in possession of a compass and have a large enough raid to finish the quests.

1) Welcome to Everlight! Take all quests at NPC Tyara across from the Teleporter. Open your map and tick all mobs on the mobs' list. You will see their locations. All the quests will require 100 mobs and kills are shared map-wide in a party/raid. Be aware that they are difficult and will hit for 20-30k dmg/sec.

2) NPC Asherah is on the tree. Fly up or climb the tree.

3) NPC Miles is in Evernight (head north of trackstone).

Part II: The Upgrades
Each day, 25x Verdant Holy Stones and 25x Scarlet Tears are awarded from dailies. According to my experience, upgrading from LV110 is cheaper only for accessories:
⟴ LV115 Upgrade = 75 stones
⟴ LV120 Upgrade = 100 stones
⟴ Buying the full item in shop = 200 stones

Assume 25 stones/day, it'll take 7D to upgrade 1 piece of accessory and 8D for gold hand. To upgrade 3 accs and 1 hand, it'll take 29D of daily quest grinding :)
Check out the full item req at NPC Arwyn Starlight in Nightfall City.

1) Crimson Stars x20

The rest of the set must be crafted via Alchemy and other means. Enter Guild Base and locate NPC Assistant Alchemist in the Alchemy Chamber. Purchase items:
Philosopher Stone Recipe
Crimson Star Recipe


2) LV8 Alchemy is required but it's easy and effortless. Leveling Alchemy should take less than 30 minutes with the improved EXP. Locate NPC Luia in Rosemason Hall and become an Alchemist! The easiest recipes are First Aid Potions LV 1-7. All plant materials can be purchased at NPC Daise.

3) is obtained by a daily quest at the Alchemy Tutor. It's called ! Way of Alchemy and the Alchmey Stone is tradable and repeatable 1 / day with a 50% chance of dropping from the quest.

Ideally, 20x Crimson Stars will take 20-40+ quests and 1000 Source Essence Fragment.
** Tip: Buy Source Essence Fragment at Klass with your Reborn Points!

4) Philospher Stone is crafted in the same manner but the upgrade format is from the LV110 Gold Weapon (not crafted one). This weapon will take much longer to upgrade, which is still cheaper than buying one straight up. I'd suggest upgrading the weapon last.

⟴ 5 Philosopher Stones to LV115 (250 HSS)
⟴ 10-15 Stones for LV120 max upgrade (500-750 HSS)

**If you need help opening royal boxes quickly, read my guide here: https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=714.0

Part 3: HR 10/Order 4
x10 Pure Order Crystals and 500x Battle Certificates are required per HR10 upgrade. This is equivalent to 10x250 = 2,500 Pure Order Fragments. These are dropped in the new map Twin Cities, which is why doing dailies is important :) Exchange fragments at NPC Klass Rour

RCIE also has a chance to drop 1 Pure Crystal per silver or higher wheel and pouches have been increased from 300x to 1500x per spin. In my opinion, RCIE is most efficient for HR10 upgrade.

1) HR 10 (5 pieces):
⟴ 50 pure order crystals (12,500 frags)
⟴ 2,500 battle certfs
⟴ Assume 1 of 10 RCIE runs = 1 order crystal, and 3 crystals/day are farmed.
⟴ Assume conservative 500 fragments/dailies in Twin City = 2 crystals.
⟴ Total = 5 crystals/day and it'd take 10D to upgrade a full set of HR10.

2) Order 4 costs 25 crystals.
A set of 5 pieces = 125 crystals. The stats are just alright and HR10 is honestly better for PVE.

3) Dimensional Bard II costs 5 Calamity Skulls.
I'm not sure where the skulls are from - could be from the Dimensional Wars map.

Part 4: S10 Arena Gear
⟴ Rank 12 reputation (11 --> 12 will take 4 million points)
⟴ 1x S10 Upgrade Tool (5 Honor Medals/5k Arena Points)
⟴ 5x Honor Medals per piece
⟴ 30x Order Crystals

The Honor Medals are capped at 10 per week and may be obtained at NPC Powell through his quest [Bloody Battle 20 Times]. At a rate of 1 piece per week, it'll take 1 month 1 week to finish the S10 upgrade :)

Part 5: New Upgradable Treasures!
The new PVE/PVP treasures are found at NPC Klass Rour and are purchasable at base form. Then, you upgrade it to IV form with the items in his shop. Buy everything!

x15 per maxed Treasure and 1,500 ores. The crafting should take a few hours assuming you have LV8 Minerology. Read my guide on Artisan: https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=700.0 I'll update it soon to reflect the recent updates.

Note from Author:
Hey guys, this will probably be my last guide on Reborn FW and I have to say it has been a lit 5 months. I enjoyed myself and had a lot of fun. Shout out to my wonderful guildies that I can't all list (Gab, Shu, Thanos, Aenon, Zazil, Rapid, Kryzie, Desi, Greyson, Chantie, Lightning, Shaz, Diurnall, Crawlie, Rapid, Skarn, Elle, Alca, Boycott,TheKing, Yo, Michi, Phoenix, Calliope, PHYNIX, and so many more). I will miss ya'll but I thrive only on positive energy.

I'm an adult and I don't have time to deal with negative energy and a childish smear campaign against me. The drama and trash talk sure is a FW specialty. After all this time, I didn't expect people to treat me so horribly for the kindness and hard work I put in. But it ain't the first time jealousy gets the best of people so what can I say? xD I left to avoid creating further drama and negative energy b/c that stuff doesn't help anyone. I hope the few of you lot are happy and throwing a party ^-^

If you miss me tho, my friends, just go to Nightfall and say hi to my statue :) No weird behavior allowed :P! Even though I might not play anymore, reach out to me if you ever need help. I won't hesitate to offer my assistance. Keep on vibing and helping each other out. Kindness goes a long way.

Peace out folks. May some of ya'll find inner peace.

Guides / Titles and How To Get Them
November 02, 2020, 11:48:05 pm
Part I: 12s Titles

Take the quests <PVP Achievement 1 and 2> at NPC Firecrooks. These quests will take a few weeks to complete. Apply to FF battlefield.


<PVP Fledgling> +10 % Crit Dmg and +3% Crit Chance - 1,000 kills/assists.
<PVP Hardened> +20% Crit Dmg and +6% Crit Chance - 2,000 kills/assists.

Part II: Arena Titles
All the Arena Titles are at NPC Peter in Twilight Square. Once you take the quests, you cannot abandon them so watch out for the /20 quest limit.

<Arena Newbie> +1 all Res, +100 HP Part I.
<Arena Fledgling> +5 all Res, +500 HP Part II.
<Arena Addict> +10 all Res, +1,000 HP Part III.
<Arena Crazy> +15 all Res, +1,500 HP Part IV.
<Arena Insane> +20 all Res, +2,000 HP Part V.
<Arena Problem> +25 all Res, +2,500 HP Part VI.
<Arena C. Starter> +30 all Res, +3,000 HP Part VII.
<Arena C. Newbie> +35 all Res, +3,500 HP Part VIII.
<Arena C. Normy> +40 all Res, +1,000 Defense, +15% Cdef Part IX. This is my favorite title for the defensive set because it has extra C Def and generous 1k Defense.
<Arena C. Hardened> 1 +50 all Res, +200 Defense Part X.
<Arena C. Hardened> 2 +60 all Res, +500 Defense Part XI.

Part III: Mastery Titles
Visit NPC Zolmorah and give him a lot of Token Vouchers for these titles. Part 1 - 8 gives mastery but 9-10 only gives PVE Intensity. Thank you Kryztine for the help ❤

<Token Newbie> +1 all Mas, +100 HP, 1 token voucher
<Token Collector> +5 all Mas, +500HP, 10 token vouchers
<Token Addict> +10 all Mas, +1,000HP, 50 vouchers
<Token Crazy> +15 all Mas, +1,500 HP, 100 vouchers
<Token Insane> +20 all Mas, +2,000 HP, 150 vouchers
<Token Problem> +25 all Mas, +2,500 HP, 250 vouchers
<Token Hoarder> +30 all Mas, +3,000 HP, 300 vouchers
<Token Career> +35 all Mas, +3,500 HP, 500 vouchers
<Token Career Normy> +50 PVE Intensity/Tenacity, +200 Def, 1500 vouchers
<Token Career Hardened> +150 PVE Intensity/Tenacity, +500 Def, 2500 vouchers
Part 4: Reborn Steel Titles
These are purely cosmetic titles at NPC Zolmorah for 200 Reborn Steel each. The value is approximately 1,000 donation leaves per title. Thanks Alesha for sending me these screenshots!

War Lord * Bard

Love Forever

Good Kitty

Supremacy of Forsaken World

Happy Lamb

Dragon General

Kitten Fairy

Part 5: Halloween Titles

Visit NPC Ferrie and open Halloween Titles shop. The candies may be farmed at Ever Abyss. 25k candies should take you 1-2 days depending on DPS output. Unfortunately, these titles have been discontinued and are a yearly event.


The titles are seen here & will be updated as more photos come in (Thanks to Klaus, Hooligan, and Gabriel):

Guides / Will's Guide to Transmutation
October 17, 2020, 11:53:20 am
Will's Guide to Transmutation - per Gyarados's request ❤

PART I: Introduction
Transmutation works by destroying a piece of gear and transferring a certain stat from that gear to a new piece. To do this, visit NPC Klass Rour in Nightfall Citadel. Prepare a lot of wargod points.

For the PVE set, I recommend the cheap that costs 3750 wargod points per scroll. Buy 1. There are different grades for Transmutation scrolls and I recommend only buying purple. This is because gold gear IDs are similar to purple gear and are too expensive to destroy for transmutation.

For the PVP set, I recommend a few options:
1) Elemental attack 750 wargod points/try This option is ideal for DPS classes like lightning mages, inferno vamps, warriors, and so on.

2) Elemental mastery 100,000 wargod points/try This option is ideal for a full mastery or hybrid mastery/accuracy set. It's good against cdef/cdodge players.

3) HE/Accuracy/Evasion 150,000 wargod points/try The most expensive scroll is game-changing in PVP. A full set of transmutes (8 pieces) adds about ~2.5k HE to my healing stats.

Part II: Re-IDing the Trashy Gear

Now that you have your scroll. Go buy either 1) HR8/HR9 piece or 2) Order gear LV100-110. As long as the ID pools are similar, it does not have to be top-tier. Doing FHOF HM is important for this reason. It gives 4-6 free and help newbies :)

It's important that you look for a single ID because the Transmutation might go for the lower value:

Here is an example where I'm doing HE transmute.

Part II: The product

Purchase 4 from NPC Klass Rour for only 720 Wargod Points. Click your transmutation scroll and put the trashy gear in. It should look like this. The chance is 80% and I have failed at least 2-3 times. Be aware. If you fail, just buy the scroll and mats again.

Unequip your main gear and slap the scroll on it. Note that if you use a Chest piece, it will only go onto another Chest piece. My transmutation was successful and gave more than 100% of the original value. Good luck :)

Guides / Will's Guide to Farming Gold Gear
October 12, 2020, 05:53:58 am
Will's Guide to Getting Gold Gear

PART I: The basics
So, you saw these impressive gold gears at Arwen Starlight but you don't know how to get them. Well, visit Zolmorah and purchase Royal Reward IV-VII (B). Opening these boxes will grant you items to exchange for your choice of gold gear. Also purchase Infinite Extermination Order x333.

1 Holy Stone Shard = lv.100 Gold Weapon
200 Soul Essence Shard = lv.105 Gold Hands
20 Soul Essence Fragments = lv.105 Gold Boots
200 Paleblue = lv110 Gold Ring/Necklace

This is the amount to start off. You can upgrade to LV 110 with more farming but the reforge % won't transfer.

PART II: Opening Royal Boxes
To open these boxes, visit NPC Melinda and purchase [Cursed Demon Extermination Order] x9999, [Phoenix Order] x99, and [Dragon Order] x99. These orders will help you gain large EXP.

Then, go to Ever Abyss and buy [Hermit's Dwelling White] x99 from this NPC. It's a daily quest to kill Demons.

Then, go buy 1,000 [Infinite Extermination Orders] from Zolmorah. It is the triangle item. You should set up your combat bot to look like this and don't forget to purchase Lionheart scrolls for 2x EXP. They are found in the leaf shop (J) and free 3/week at Shylia Market.

Once you're all set, find the Training Grounds NPC Kylie and enter Training Grounds (not TG Mirror!). The Demons are quite tanky and I recommend decent gear. Make sure you have all the items above and your bot is set up properly to finish boxes quickly.

Use alts because Hermit is only 1/day.

Daily Quest: A trick to getting easy EXP is talking to the Beggar in Ever Abyss and choosing 3) Well Done! 10 Soul Coins for you! Remember to activate Lionheart scroll.

But I don't like to AFK bot mobs! That is ok. Go do RCIE and you will be rewarded with Wargod points. Exchange at NPC Klass Rour for the items. Remember to keep your Relic Pouches as well. We will go over later.

PART IV: Ultimate Gold Weapon LV 110
So you have geared up to LV110 full set. Now is the time to craft the Ultimate Gold Weapon. You must have LV8 Artisan to begin so get crafting! :)

Recipe: Find NPC Prospero and purchase the Recipe - the same name as your LV110 weapon.
          * Cost 10 Holy Stone Shards (HSS) and 10 Order Crystals
Crafting: This will set you back 100 HSS and 500 Order Crystals (50,000 order frags), as well as
          * LV 100 wep
          * LV 105 wep
          * LV 110 wep (please be careful to not use your current wep with all the gems and upgrades)

Re-ID: This gold wep  must be re-ID with special scrolls obtained via Rank 9 Arena Reputation. Taking the 300 Kills quest at Firecrooks NPC will allow you to finish farming Rank 9 in 2-3 days.

You will find the Arena NPCs by taking the large purple teleporter in Hall of Glory.

-- Apotheosis --
Forsaken World has a God system. Click on your Prayer icon and access Apotheosis. Click on the Study God Skill icon to get all those passives. It is a bit buggy so you must exit and enter the interface to learn all the skills.

Make sure you have everything by clicking K. If you're interested in becoming a God, read the [What is Apotheosis] section.

••• Relic Guide •••
So you got a bunch of Gorgeous Miracle Pouches from RCIE but don't know what to do with them?

Visit NPC Melanie to get your 1st relic depending on how hard you grind. Please remember that this is the noob relic and is not the final option -
15,000 Pouches for Dusk the Gods (damage focused) • Twilight Phantom (defense focused) • Saviour (HP)
5,000 Pouches for Health-Nut • Luminosity • Fearless.

Read Will's Guide to Twilight Defender Relic, the best relic in the game right now: https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=713.0

Once you have your desired relic, get some LV4 Relic Sigils from Zolmorah's shop. Then, use skill Elemental Relic Operation to open Relic Interface. It should look like this. Drag the sigil to the slot it fits.

As you get more and more LV4 spirits, visit this rock in Ever Abyss next to the Rose Queen to Advance combine 6 random LV4 into 1 LV5 spirit. Remember that it does not matter what you put in. The result is fairly random.

You can upgrade your Elemental Relic by Fusing it with EXP Booster (buy at Zol). So farm more RCIE would ya? :) Evolve the relic when it hits LV9. Some relics can't evolve.
Guides / Will's Guide to Rescue Twilight Town Relic
October 12, 2020, 05:37:19 am
Will's Guide to Twilight Town Defender per Rei's request ❤︎

To start, locate NPC Vikrner in Nightfall Citadel and take his quest [Defend Twilight Town]. You will teleport to a new map. Enter the snake's mouth and locate NPC Firecrooks. Take Quest [LV100 Prove Your Power].

In order to get the Twilight Relic, you need 9 Proof of Power (please don't trash on accident). Twilight Relic can be upgraded to V2 lv4 as of this current patch and is the most powerful relic in the game.

PART I: The Quests

1. After you take Firecrook's quest, go up the stairs and locate NPC Vivian to take his quest [LV100 Corrupt Priests]. Kill 30 Priests. Be advised you need a strong healer if you intend to AOE. Turn the quest into Vivian when done.

2. Head to Ruined Village to kill 5 Kawala Mista here. Then, return the quest to Firecrooks.

3. Firecrooks will send you to kill 35(?) Habashi Katawasi.

4. Go to Beastmir Lake and talk to NPC Hugh Sutherland. Take quest [LV100 Royal Intervention]. Kill 30 Fairies, turn in quest.

5. Take quest [LV100 Magic Power] from NPC Royal Master Sergeant. This is probably the most annoying quest bc you need to kill 50 Mini Rainbow Kawaii. Have fun :P

6. Return the Quest to the Sergeant, then he'll send you to kill the Mighty Kawaii Boss.

7. Fly to the cemetery and take quest [LV100 Powerful Magic] from NPC Vikrner. Go kill the mobs in the cemetery until you get Clues x1. You should have 4 proofs of power after finishing this quest.

8. At this point you should have 7 Proofs of Power after killing Kawaii Boss. Visit NPC Royal Master Sergeant in the mountains and go kill 30 Corrupt Protectors, which are right beside him on the right. **They  aggro really hard so fly there xD If you die GG.

9. Turn in quest, he will ask you to kill some red looking Demons. Find them here.

Finally, redeem 9 Proofs of Power for the relic (once/character).

Exit by talking to Teleporter. **Note: if you die anytime in this map and press resurrect, you need to exit and enter again by talking to Vikrner in Nightfall. Suggest bringing a light bard/vamp for fast rez.

PART II: Twilight Version 2
Visit NPC Melanie in Twilight Square. Her shop has an item called Relic Ascension Soul x10 to upgrade to Twilight V2. The upgrade cost is 150,000 pouches.

** Please note: If you exchange for V2, all EXP on V1 relic will be erased as well as equipped spirits. Please take spirits out first!

The current maxed level is V2.4 and takes an estimated 100-300k Pouches? Slots may change between evolutions from V2.1 --> V2.4

Guides / Re: Starter Guide Updated
October 08, 2020, 12:06:48 am
Hello maidenx, you would want to join the FW Reborn discord at https://discord.com/invite/ZbR9AXE It looks like you might have a very specific launcher error. One of our GMs may be able to help.

I'm not very tech savvy but I can consider making a common issues Q&A, Virtual Machine guide, or something similar.
Guides / Will's Guide to Jewel crafting LV6 Gems
October 03, 2020, 08:04:41 am
PART I: Getting Started

So you want to make LV6 Gems but don't know how and no one is selling them either? Worry not. Let's get started.

Visit NPC Mina Starwind in Rosemason Hall. Learn the job, rings or necklace doesn't matter.

Then, buy recipe Cut: Goldspark I and recipe Star Necklace. Crafting blue recipes give more EXP but you need higher quality Sparkling Gem.

The required for the blue recipe can be crafted after learning Scavenging. Find NPC Melanie next to the Jewelcraft Tutor.

Continue crafting until you need Guild Base recipes.

Locate NPC Jeweler and Advanced Jeweler. They sell LV3-LV5 recipes.

PART 2: LV6 Gems

Once you reach LV5 Jewelcrafting, visit NPC Gem Master in Twilight Square. You should know where he is at. If you don't, read my beginner guide https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=699.0

Buy recipes Combine Gem Frags 1-4 (40k tokens), Combine Gems Azurecloud - Skycrystal (130k tokens), and finally Smash: Goldspark (10k tokens).

Smash LV4 Goldsparks for Gem Frag I and combine them until you reach Gem Frag V. The cheapest gem Stormstone costs 10 Gem Frag V and the most expensive Chronoshard costs 50 Gem Frag V each. If you are lazy, buy LV4 gems directly from the Gem Master for tokens. It is fast and efficient.

Happy Gem Crafting!

PART 3: Gem Fusion

If you don't have a lot of tokens, there is a cheaper and more time-intensive method to fuse LV4 Goldsparks. Locate NPC Christer and buy Fusion Agent LV2 (5k tokens a stack) and LV3 (7.5k/stack).

Buy 9999 lv2 Goldsparks from the Jewelcrafter NPC. Find Sabrina and fuse until you get LV4 Goldsparks. It's nice to AFK and fuse gems if you won't farm.

Guides / Will's Guide to All Things Artisan
September 23, 2020, 02:45:51 am
Will's Guide to Artisan

PART I: Getting Started

Artisan allows you to make various Offhands and gold Ultimate Weapon (info on Post #2 https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=699.0).

1. To get started, locate NPC Artisan Tutor. I hope you have a guild with a fairly maxed base because mats to hit LV8 Artisan are only in guild base (join Phantom ya'll  ♥).

2. Become an Artisan and purchase War Medal recipes. Press O (O for oxygen) to access your jobs interface. The Metal Chains can be found in the Artisan Tutor's shop. Ores are brought at NPC Miner Tutor.

3. Continue crafting up until LV6/7 then enter the guild at NPC Alexander or you can buy a Guild TP stone.

4. LV 6 Artisan recipes = lv.80 offhand; LV 7 = LV 90; LV 8 = lv 95 offhand. You want to find the tiny Artisan NPCs in base and buy LV8 Recipe + Quality Carving Knives x999. Get guild merit from those Honor Coins that mobs drop.

** I understand some people don't like 12s/PVP in general, craft the green recipes and it'll pop Blue OH. This way is much slower but won't require Soul Crystal.

PART II: Purple OHs

1. Visit Avari to buy LV 110 purple OH (10,000 battlefield points). She also sells Soul Crystals lv8 for 200 pts each. The recipe requires 200 Ice and Fire which can be gained in 4 ways:

  * exchange 3000 wargod points for 1 at Klass Rour
  * buy 1 for 25,000 Reborn tokens at Zolmorah
  * finish 12s quest at Firecrooks (200 kills)
  * 1 for 500 old battlefield points at Avari
  * 1 for 200 new battlefield points at Avari

**Be warned, you can get some pretty ugly stats like Watter Attack / Mana. Just repeat and don't be sad <3
A successful - sort of - craft looks like this:


PVE Offhands are newly added PVE-focused items located at NPC Klass Rour with +25% to +30% cdmg bonus, not to mention the Re-ID potential. However, they are notoriously hard to craft. Worry not though, Willy is here~

1. The Recipe - is brought at the Geologist NPC in guild base with a learning requirement of Mineralogy LV7. Mining will require time, commitment, and teleport compasses :)

► Blue OHs cost 10 feathers = 1,000 impure crystal ores + 1,000 Cat Urine (found in Sickle Island, FHOF, and others)
► Purple OHs cost 25 feathers = 2,500 impure crystal ores + 2,500 Divine Beast Meat (same as above)
► The Impure Ores require LV8 Mining and are found in Twilight Town Defender Map.

are brought at Miner NPC.

2. The Mining
Become a Miner! Purchase and least 5 compasses and recharge them to 100+ Energy at NPC Teleporter. Let's start!

LV1 Copper in Polar Borderlands

LV2 Red Quicksilver

LV3 Tin Ore

LV4 Zinc Ores (Sleeping Jungle) will start consuming Custom Mining Picks found in Guild Base. Ores in Sleeping Jungle spawn randomly in the estimated spot. Zoom map out and look for them :P 

LV5 Lead Ore Bing Ore

LV6 Iron Ores (Crystal Valley/Triumph Plain)

LV7 Titanium Ores (Ever Abyss)
    Krismet Jewels will also pop from these ores

LV8 Silicon Ores - free plastic surgery for everyone ;)

LV9 Impure Crystals (Rescue Twilight Town Map)

Once you craft the feathers, you need Triumph Rank 7-8 which can be obtained by buying item Clawmatron Extermination Order at NPC Melinda. Do 7 each work. Clawmatrons are in TGM reworked.
Guides / Re: Starter Guide Updated
September 20, 2020, 07:01:26 am
Will's Q&A Session:
Q: What is deistone and fusion gems for?
A: Maxing all the deistones add 196 mastery points per element. Maxing 1 element cost 126,000 Tokens. Fusion gem is to increase resistance, HP, and 7% cdef in total. Maxing all 7 cost  693,000 Tokens. (Calculations done by Calliope  ❤)

A lot of newbies buy deistones that their class does not use. If you are a warrior, do not buy fire deistones. Buy wind and physical ones. Do buy all 7 fusion gems elements.

Q: I hate the Ram mount. Where can I get something prettier?
A: Well, ok o_o" The Mount NPC next to Zolmorah will sell you mounts for 75,000 Tokens each. The cashshop (J) will sell fox mounts for 750 Soul Leaves. Some other mounts can be purchased at Otis near the water fountain. You can visit racial NPCs in Union Plaza to trade in Edge Badge for LV1-3 quick-mount skills and racial mount.

Q: What is the best PVP gear here?
A: Right now, there are 2 popular options. Firstly, LV110 Order gear. The fragments may be farmed in TGM (talk to Kylie), exchanged for crystals at Klass Rour, and for gear at Prospero.

The second option is the Arena gear (S6 - S9). The season 6 set is completely free. Enter Hall of Glory in Nightfall and teleport through this crystal. You'll enter a new map Sapphire Heart.

Locate NPC Christy and go ham. You may get S9 gear by grinding Arena quests.

Q: How do I get a better Combat License?
A: You can do that by doing daily quests in Frostgale Fjord (FF). Join T -> Battlefield and wait for queue to pop. Total points: ~55,000. Exchange at Avari in Hall of Glory.

Q: Where should I buy pets and what is best?
A: There are multiple options:
              Tokens - Pet Master, Twilight Square
              Hell Road points - Hades, Magic Airship
              Wargod - Prometheus, above Klass Rour
              Cashshop - press J (either soul leaves/real leaves)
Generally, you should buy LV90 pets. The Tiger Pets for soul leaves are all lv90. Some pets may obtained from the website lotteries for voting. They're purple (epic) by default and are the floating angels you see ingame sometimes.

Q: How do I upgrade my pets?
A: Go to NPC Hicks and Rachel. Pet Academy is to train your pets' skills - 4 slots assist 4 slots offensive. Spam different purple skills from Hick's shop until you force open all 4 slots.

Pet Soulcombine is to increase Talents, use item Elite Star of Hope/Fate to spam to LV15. You want to put skills that depend on talents (Invigorate, Brute Force, Iron Bone, etc.,) on pets with LV15 talents. Use skills like Mastery Buffs, Resistance buffs, crit chance/c dodge buffs on any pets.

They do not need to have maxed talents since the buffs are not stats-dependent.

Pet Rebirth is to force blue pets -> Purple Epic pets and to get higher growth %. For example, LV110 pets can get 85+ points in attack growth. Recently, a new item was added to make Legendary Pets. Buy it at Avari, the 12s NPC.

Pet Identification will allow you to use Control Training to increase x resistances, mastery, healing and % attack in PVP.

Q: How do I get cosmetic wings and handheld items without cash shopping?
A: Visit the Reborn Boutique -> Misc Fashion -> Wings. All the racial wings are for soul leaves. Another set of wings called Feather of Ice can be opened by spamming orbs at Henry.

Otis Horkenman NPC will also give you a chance to get Skysward by giving him 24 Token of Faith. Note that these wings only last for 30Days.

For Teddy, send your character at least 365 roses (buy at Zolmorah) and exchange at the Wedding Manager NPC.

For Rose, get on the top 1-10 flower ranking list (I -> Flower List), then follow instructions to see Helensha. Rose lasts for 30D and is a monthly ranking reward.

Q: I got Gloops Box from RCIE. What is it for??
A: Click on the > icon next to your Treasure to open Soulforce Expansion. It will contain 13 categories for you to upgrade. Read the stats and click on the ones you want to activate. Put in the Gloop and spam Eat. This is mostly for PVP.

Q: Can fashion be re-IDed?
A: Yes. Once IDed, you may transfer fashion stats from 1 piece to another piece using Theseus Thread but this option is only available at the Armorer in Mercury Marketplace, not Klass Rour.

Guides / Starter Guide Updated
September 20, 2020, 04:10:36 am
Comprehensive Starter Guide:

Sub Guides for Non-Newbies:
Farming LV120 Gear
How to Farm Gold Gear   
Will's Guide to LV6 Gems
Will's Artisan Guide
Twilight Defender Relic Guide
Will's Guide to Transmutation
Titles and How to Get Them

PART I: Getting to Nightfall Citadel
1. Pray and get the Starter Pack to expand storage, bag space, and for free lv4 gems. Your storage comes with a wardrobe and a mount bag.
Putting your newbie mount (the ram) will enable auto-mounting on pathing.


2. Level to 110 by drinking 2 Primrose Dreamland. Shylia's Market will be helpful so remember to check it out. Gem Lights provide 7D buffs. Potions are there as well. Keep the [Crystal Lights] you get from opening Gem Lights to breakthrough soul power.

3. Receive free items from Monarch of Eyrd. Heavenly Oracle is a treasure that can be upgraded later. The Flying Mounts can be used after completing the Guide Quests. They will show up if you click the blinking scroll above the Mini Map.

4. Now that you're LV 110, ignore the main questline at the starter area, and find the Teleportation Crystal. Travel to Twilight Bridge in Nightfall Citadel, the main player hub. :)

Visit NPC Zolmorah at Twilight Square to buy free items from his shop. Mercury Statues will give diamonds. Sell 500x to the Fleet of Myth NPC (midget next to him). The shop will not give you diamonds if you sell statues exceeding your max diamonds capacity (2k). Also, purchase 100x Star Crystals and the Royal Blessings item to boost your stats! Buffs last 1 H and are very helpful in farming.

You notice your combat license only lasts 7D. You can buy a permanent purple one for 1,000 Tokens at Zol when you want to.

5. Pet
Henry - The cheapest starter pet is Husky at NPC Henry. You should have some tokens from redeeming codes on the website (scroll down in the guide). Herny also sells titles for stats and dyes. His orbs spawn different items like fashion and mounts. Incubate your pet and wait for it to finish. Or, go visit NPC Hicks in Mercury Marketplace -> Soulcare -> Instant Incubation Scroll. You will get better pets later.

PART II: Gearing Up

1. Visit NPC Arwen Starlight and purchase lv.78 Mighty Nature Necklace and 2 rings. The rest of her shop is only available to you when you can farm wargod points from RCIE (below) or farm order boxes.

2. Visit NPC Roxy in Hall of Glory and purchase the Hero Rank 6 (HR6) gear set. Remember, if you want damage, buy crit damage set. This set will be good until you can do FHOF Hard Mode and get HR8/HR9. Be careful when selecting the gear set.

If you get Extreme Gold from FHOF HM, do not trash it! Exchange with Roxy.

Another free beginner set for PVP is S6, which you can buy by taking the Purple Teleporter to the map and locating the Arena NPCs. Details on that below.

3. NPC Klass Rour will help you fortify your gear to 12/12, and all that jazz. **Note: Spam Star Crystal until done, ignore the purple crystal. NPC Sabrinawill help you embed your free gems. They are across from Astraea. To start, purchase [Universal Identifying Scrolls] from Zol to identify your gears. Then, you can Re-ID them. The most important aspect of Forsaken World powering up is getting good IDs.

For beginners, 1 line of crit damage is enough or 1 line of Healing Effect for healers :) Re-IDing is costly so farm enough tokens!

4. NPC Era Witness has a quest for champ scrolls, take it. You'll need these scrolls to upgrade Hero Rank gears. Take quests [Buy Anima Charm: Rage and Shelter] to get 100 orbs each. Then, buy purple items [Anima Rage] and [Anima Shelter]. Equip your new Animas.

Anima is leveled and evolved up to LV90 with 8 evolutions. Put the rage orb in the Rage anima and it will prompt you to Evolve. All items can be brought at Era Witness. You'll unlock all strikes anyways so go ham.

Once the Animas are both LV90 and you cannot evolve any further, find NPC Anima Master in Mercury Marketplace (press M). Note that auto-clickers are allowed.

5. Speak with Hughe Sutherland to take the quest Broken Barriers and upgrade your Mastery/Resistance by pressing C. He is in the Hall of Glory. Click the Mastery & Resistance tab. Each class has a different set of masteries. Upgrading makes you do more damage.

Now, do the same for 7 Resistances. This boosts your defense. You get a title <Ultra> +5 % Crit Dmg and +5% Crit Defense. Equip and see.

6. Level up your skills by pressing K and maxing everything. Then, visit the class Tutor and buy everything in the shop.

You're not done just yet! Press N to bring up talent trees. This determines what mastery you are primarily and what you specialize in. An example is the Wind Bard tree to buff and do some AOE (area of effect) damage. You can reset talent later with a Talent Compass.

PART III: Farming
1. Now that you're a bit geared, where to get Reborn Tokens? Free Isles is a good starting spot but beware Realms 1-7 are PVP. You might get killed. Realms 8-10 are PVE only. To kill the mobs quickly, use Shift + X to set up your auto-combat (bot) and Shift + Z to start.

Loots like Reborn Tokens will drop on the ground if you're not in a party. Ask for one in world chat!

2. Upgrading Heavenly Crystallized Oracle: Light of Revealation will require 3 Light of Eternity and 11 + 16 Windless Winds from NPC Zolmorah. It'll cost you some tokens. Visit Klass Rour and select Upgrade tab.

Then, you'll need 6 Earthless Earth. This item may be gained from completing NPC Firecrooks's [Arena Crazy! 1000], then [Arena Crazy! 1800]. Assists count towards kills and the arena is open a few times each day. The 5 Fireless Fires are also from Firecrooks' Frostgale Fjord (12s) quest [PVP Stir Crazy Part 3].

When you are doing arena, also take NPC Peter's quests for unique resistance titles :) They are cumulative so if there is space, take all Arena Combat Parts 1-11.

3.Soul Power (Vice/Virtue)

Visit Henry and get the King's Quest. Sometimes you might have it already. Check your quests log (Q). This quest will take you to kill 1 Werewolf and 99 Mobs, then run around to some NPCs. It should be doable if you followed my guide to gearing. In the end, you get a skill called Soul of Virtue or Soul of Vice. Use it to unlock Soulpower (press V).

A completed soul power tree should have everything at 20/20. Manuscripts are found at Caesar in Hall of Glory. Soul tokens from Zolmorah. Runes should be put in the 5/5 slots. Runes are brought at the Rune NPC near Zolmorah. Max a tree of your choice to 100 Points.

Nyos' Vice and Dyos' Virtue for each class
Bard - Wind Nyos        Light Dyos          Water Nyos
Vampire - Dark Dyos/Dyos        Inferno Nyos          Blood Nyos- some use Dyos, I don't know.
Mage - Lightning Dyos        Fire Dyos PVE Nyos PVP          Frost Dyos
Priest - Divine Dyos
Warrior - Elemental Dyos        Blood Nyos        Aegis Dyos
Blood Reaper - Bloodwind Nyos      Shadowbind Nyos      Blood Brawl Dyos
Assasin -  Venom Nyos PVE          Edge Dyos PVP   
Marksman - Soul Dyos PVP        Burst Nyos PVE
Protector - Diamond    Granite      Marble  Dyos
Tormentor - Hellfire Dyos PVE          Torture Nyos PVP DoT

(Thanks Kryz, Arima, TheKing, Royal, and Crawler for input  ❤)

3. After your soul tree is maxed, talk to NPC Rodgers at the water fountain to start Breaking the Limits. Unlocking both trees grant bonus stats.

4. Elemental Relic Questline

I get questions from noobs who didn't do the quest properly all the time. Start quest at Hugh Sutherland [LV90 Head to Winterheight] to see Morin. *It is very important that you take ALL quests at Morin and make sure there'll be 2 quests at all times. Follow that until you go to Ever Abyss.

**Combine Glimmering Elemental Relic at Andros after you kill the Skeletal Dragons. Otherwise, you will not get the right quest. 

Then, you get the LV 91 quest from Hugh after talking to the Distressed Captain. If Hughe doesn't have a quest for you, go back to Andros.

Continue taking the [LV 90 Hugh's Advice] and [LV 91 Diplomacy Appeal]. Awakening is achieved at LV91 quest The 2 children's Legends at Rose Queen. A lot of people lose their Relic quest here too. Finish the cooking quest Child of Spicy/Pork at the 2 children! 

Then, Rose Queen will send you to kill Skeleton mobs, Cerberus dog mobs, Sinfuls, then a few others. You should get the Relic Skill soon after this. The questline ends at LV91 Elemental Relic. Yay! Your first noob relic. Look below to see Relic Guide for more advanced ones. :)

5. Want fashion but no soul leaves? Visit the Fashion NPCs here.

6. To get soul leaves, finish Rose Queen's Daily: Clean Up Ever Abyss. It will take you to kill a bunch of mobs in Ever Abyss. This quest is fairly easy with decent gear (25k attack / 700+ cdmg?) and is party-shared. Rewards: 1200+

  Another option for Soul Leaves is FF, a PVP battleground.

1. Account -> Redeem 4 Codes -> FXD289GAJ    HADS3F490    FWREBORN2020    Y6534VDXA
  Go to Account -> Account Stash -> Claim All on your main character, then check the in-game mailbox.
  It will take 10-20 minutes for the game to register your newly created character.

2. Vote and spend your green tokens on the Lotteries or Web Shop. People always ask where to get good Reforge items from. Here it is.

1. RCIA: to get soul leaves and champ points, require 6
2. RCIE: the most common series of dungeons, to get you Relic Pouches, wargod points (check Klass), and other goodies. Normally, most parties don't mind newbies so I encourage you to join!
3. FHOF: a large 12-18 man raid to craft Ultimate Weapon, get Hero Rank 8/9, and so on.

1. Level up your wing Chroma by buying Super Charge Crystal x28 at Zolmorah, then put it in your wings interface. Once it looks like this, select the bubble that fits your build. For example, I chose Heal Effect, crit Heal, and HP.

At your level, you won't be able to open the lv.4 wings until you get LV6 gems.

To craft gems? :) Read Will's Guide on Gem Crafting here: https://forum.reborngn.com/index.php?topic=708.0

** When upgrading Artisan/Gem Crafting/Alchemy, check the Miner NPC and Botany NPC! Do not go mine ores! They sell all beginner ores!