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Plot quests problem, JADEON and Skysong and more

Started by srba88, March 03, 2022, 12:23:42 pm

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Hello, i see this forum is dead, but i will try to post a question, maybe someone answer me..

So problem with JD plot quests, JADEON, cant continue on quest OLD HAUNT, thats 3rd quest in JD plot..
Problem, can not trigger quest at Goh Tanin....
Other problems are other JD plot quests, i cant start them, for example, quest is unlocked when you are 40lvl + and i am 51, it doesnt have an option at all to start them/trigger them.. Any help would be appreciated. Thnx!



March 03, 2022, 01:20:02 pm #1 Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 04:08:55 pm by srba88
Update: Here is the fix

CompeR -- 01/03/2022
@JD-Official v323: Workaround/fix were applied for JD Plot Jadeon - Old Haunt. Note: Client patch is required to trigger this quest AND it will only work on Realm 7(till next proper patch). This is only about Main Reborn Server, Kunlun and Inferna have to wait till next maintenance. (edited)