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Alliance War promo event

Started by CompeR, July 17, 2018, 02:12:45 pm

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July 17, 2018, 02:12:45 pm Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 06:23:34 pm by CompeR
Alliance war event!

What to do?
1. Set up an alliance war with other alliance.
2. At least one person in your alliance will record whole war and post in on youtube. Each alliance has to deliver its own video. Make sure final war score with all principants is visible. Please post links in https://forum.jadedynasty.online/index.php?topic=74.0
3. All principants with at least 5 kills or deaths will get:
+6 sigil
5000 affinity beads
5000 chroma beads
10 Serenity Jades

4. You can have multiple wars BUT each character can get reward up to 3 times!
5. Clearly event farming abuse will cause your request to be ignored.



Event will be available again during 21-22 July (weekend).  Rules same as above!