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Jade Dynasty Reborn Changelog

Started by CompeR, June 29, 2018, 10:57:01 am

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I will post all changes on website and game in this thread.


- Incrased vote/hourly rates event support added.
- Tweaked webshop. No more refreshing after changing the tabs.
- Portal Charms are now discounted.
- Added Other->Pet Aid category to webshop.


- English Quiz Question added.
- PvE realms will be trully PvE now.
- Minor interface fixes.
- Added item descriptions for sould binding Serenity Jades,Star Charms and Bronze Sigils.

- Small Webshop lifting.
- Added Wedding Packs.
- Removed Ascension Pack.
- Added Silver Sigil.
- Added Gold Sigil.
- Added Jade Sigil.
- Added Dragon Sigil.
- Aded Talisman of Craft.


- gtop100 voting cooldown changed to 24h and reward doubled.
- Added Honor Gems to webshop.
- Talisman of Craft price reduced to 30GJ.


Update 10-11:
- Minor interface fixes and translations.
- Missing sound and gfx files added.
- Removed 'Meditation' to prevent reported exploit.
- Star Soul system translated and fixed.


- Added Account logs.
- Added ING online status.
- Added referral anti-abuse system.


July 03, 2018, 07:22:34 pm #6 Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 08:27:47 pm by shmiggle
- Bonus Jaden shop rebalanced.
- Platina Sigil changed to Drake Sigil as main Coronation reward.
- Anima Pots cost reduced and stack increased to 9999.
- Golden Letters are now bound.
- Bronze Sigils removed from Jaden Marketplace.
- Binding Sigils exchange added to Enchanters.
- LV135 BG gear courage cost reduced by half.
- Chu-Han gear Gold Brick Cost reduced by half.
- Realm 2 and 9 opened.
- Fealty System now fixed.
- Quest Rewards boosted:
Sky Dweller - Added 50 x Ice Orb of Vastness ; 10 x Honor Gems
Sky Lotus - Added 75 x Ice Orb's ; 15 x HG
Valuable Pills - Added 50 x Ice Orb's ; 10 x HG
The Donation - Added 50 x Ice Orb's ; 10 x HG
Treasure - Added 50 x Ice Orb's ; 10 x HG
Alliance Career - Added 50 x Ice Orb's ; 10 x HG
Nura's gift (Shura) - Added 5 x Celebeans
Veteran of war - Added 1 x Bronze Sigil (bound)
Deity in the wind - Added 200 x Affinity beads
Surfing Deity - Added 500 x Affinity beads ; 50 x Chroma beads
Alliance Duty
Quiz Bowl - Added Ice Orbs
Sugar Rush - Added 15 x Arcane Coins ; 200 Affinity beads
Dispel the curse (Shura) - added 10 x HG; 100% chance to get Mysterious Chest
The Baleful - Added 3 x Soul Inverter
Jade Event - Increased rewards
Treasure Hunting (Billows) - Added Celesphere Sand Lvl 1
Yasho Seal - Added 100 x Chroma Beads
Crisis - Added 500 x Ice Orbs;increased Taichi Pill reward 50->500
Taichi Pills - Added 500 x Ice Orbs

- Fixed Soul Inverter price.
- Added Makeover Box.
- Added more smileys and increased their cost sice they are permanent.
- Honor Gems removed.
- Advanced Sigils removed (you can use Enchanter exchange instead).
- Changed pots to Anima ones and cost reduced.


- Recover option restored to 'Actions'.
- 3 new realms launched.
- Viles fixed (inluding psychea and kytos unlimited quests).
- Translation fixes and compatibility.
- Shura Dispel the Curse will give Mystic Stamp instead of Trasure Chest now.
- Jaden spending rewards adjusted.
- Honor Gems that were added as quest rewards in last update will be now bound.

- Jaki Stone price reduced 3000->1000.
- Evolution Jade added.


- Remember session option added.
- 'Confirm email' form field added in register page to prevent mistakes.
- Reminder regarding full-courier issue added to webshop page.
- Server time and ticking timers added.
- Minor security featured in webshop.
- Royal Ascension Pack added (this pack is time limited - you have to claim it before ascension is launched! requires 150 lvl - once per character)
- Sage's Compass and Expedition Pack added to webshop.


- Team BFS weekly rewards nerfed as a precaution of reported exploit(will be restored if false alarm).
- Daily BFS pack boosted as compensation for above + description fixed.
- Attempted to make Blazing Vouchers unlimited/day.
- Royal Order lotto added to marketplace.
- Serenity Jades removed from marketplace.
- Star Soul gain rate increased x5.
- Kirin Sigil in Bonus Jaden Shop changed to Dragon Sigil and price reduced to 1k.
- Reduced CD for Crafting special treasures (beads,merits,gold bars etc)
- One realm disabled to check if random disconnect issue persists.
- Another attempt to fix viles.
- HP/SP Bootles 5 sec cooldown added.


July 12, 2018, 04:28:37 pm #10 Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 05:02:28 pm by CompeR
- Rift Gate tooltips fixed.
- Added 5 sec CD on most batteries.
- Royal Order lotto fixed.
- Soul Inverter price fixed at marketplace.
- Celebean price lowered at marketplace.
- Minor interface fixes.

- Portal Scroll added.
- Goat Year exchanges added to webshop!


- Fuwa mandatory Fezzan NPC fixed.
- Human starter NPC Elder Tang fixed.
- Affinity map province names translated.
- BFS box fixed.
- Minor interface fixes and Quick Buy option restored.
- Mystic Tome visual bugs fixed.


- Hourly GJ rate permanently increased 30->50 / hour.
- Puppet protector cost reduced.
- Gold Vip Pack added.


- Vip system introduced(ING VIP will be disabled).
- Webshop reorganized.
- HP/SP Batts added.
- VIP rewards added.
- Vip medals are also avilable for free-to-play players as a reward for activity.


- Crystal Rift reward boosted.
- Exquisite Vigor Potion stack increased 99->9999.
- Server Drop rate increaed from x3 to x5.
- Charge rewards needed amounts of jadens fixed.
- Blessing of the dragon Quest reward changed.
- Archaia Order quests rewards boosted.
- Lucifuge Knight, Etherflame Totem, Jadecalf Adept,Scarlet Thunderlash level increased to 160.
- Chroma Scroll·Lucifuge Knight quest reward boosted.
- Affinity Lands order quest reward boosted.
- Yuan Crystal LV8 added to Jaden marketplace.
- New lotto with Death Wand added to marketplace.
- Roayal Ivory Set added to marketplace.
- New masks added do marketplace.