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Jade Dynasty Reborn Changelog

Started by CompeR, June 29, 2018, 10:57:01 am

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- Fixed issue regading white damage not showing reduced amount.
- Fixed issue regading exp rate stacking.
- Drop/Drop Pickup script corrections.
- Fixed issue with Makeover Box for Ardens.
- Fixed Coronation System double drop duration.
- Attempt to fix Tonni's Wine of Charity exchange.

New features:
- North America link-server (located in Canada) is now available.
- Asia link-server (located in Singapore) is now available.
- JD-Land rewards boosted.
- New skill fashion: Monkey Zodiac Set is now available at marketplace (Promo->Skill).


- Faction herald npcs spawn corrections.
- Team roll system fixed.
- Fixed possible problem regarding sprite drop pickup.
- Milky Way Team special skills now functional.
- New crafting system buff items now functional.
- Fixed possible issue regarding Mystic Tome upgrade and added extra error messages if out of gold or covenants.
- Added missing status reflection effect to Monkey Fashion skill.
- Fixed possible cause of Star Soul stats reset in certain circumstances.
- Zuolo Contract added to Enu - Finals Septajade exchange - Clash of Seven.
- Fixed issue regading Elysium PvP.


- Fixed problem with companion cap at JD Land.
- Fixed party pickup issue related to summons and pets.
- Combat state timeout won't tick while having debuffs.
- Can't espace BfS map while combat state.
- Items should be now sorted correctly in bag (yet order changed a bit).


- Fixed issue that could cause Star Soul to reset in rare circumstances.
- Pickup issue final fix.
- Token Bag items should be usable in Crafting now.
- Recent change `Combat state timeout won't tick while having debuffs.` is now valid only on BfS map.
- Empyreal Crystals changed into Wonder Bag at Jd Land.
- Vanti the Etherblade should now `move` faster to Pu Feng stage.
- Blaze Hawk HP boosted. Shade Beast, Bat Monster, Wood Spirit spawn amount boosted to 5->25.
- NEW ESPER: `Lupin Bell` is now available in marketplace: Promo->Special.


- Attempt to fix Zolo Plains isue with transform gems. Gems auto exchange quests removed.
- Attempt to fix BfS combat state issue.
- Base RES of Lupin Bell esper fixed. Only valid for new espers. Owners of espers bought before this fix may request esper exchange for fixed one.
- Celestial Tower issues fix attempt.
- Soul Tower Handbook fixed.
- Jd Land companions should now enter Rest status after claiming challenge reward.
- Attempt to fix TW Celestial Army attacks.
- Attempt to fix PvP TW.
- Clash of Seven Finals pvp damage issue fixed.
- Attempt to fix Clash of Seven Finals rewards.
- Attempt to fix Alliance Base resource spawn issues.
- Attempt to fix char/clan/alliance deletion issues.


- Zuolo Plains Gem issue final fix.
- BfS Map sight range parameter restored to default to as lag fix attempt.
- Seira `Night Mirror` nerf (partially) re-applied: no longer affects Montem Dance Chroma Versions.
- Drop ratio re-adjusted (mostly) to previous state.
- PvE Event launched.
- Death in Seat of Chaos will now port u at map spawn of players affinity instead to Sunstream and grants 5 seconds yellow raja.
- Players will now respawn in the air at Coronation map, which will give them some time to cast shields.
- Coronation Pillars stats rebalanced. Attackers now get more tanky towers while Loyalist Pillar HP lowered.
- Fort PvP rework:
* Tower quest `Reward to The Brave` no longer gives items. Reward is just 2.000 TP.
* All players with at least one death or kill will receive participation reward pack one the end of the siege.
* If defenders will successfully defend fort, all alliance players with at least one death or kill will receive extra reward pack with option to choose up to 5 items amongst 18.
* If attacker will successfully occupy fort, all attacker and assistant alliance players with at least one death or kill will receive extra reward pack with option to choose up to 6 items amongst 18.


- Soultower Handbook disabled again as it causes character issues still.
- [Kytos]Last stand reported bug fix attempt.
- PvE Event drop fixed.
- Attempt to fix TW `Set capital` and `Stationed General` options.
- Sprite delete option fixed.
- Rainfall Order replaced to Reforge Scroll at Fort PvP reward boxes.


- Sprite Pickup setting final fix.
- Balo `War Song` speed buff stacking with other skills corrected.
- Anan summoned by `White Shroud` have her attack skill fixed.
- Fixed bugs regarding `Outrageous Scale III` (all 4 versions).
- Fort PvP reworked again:
* Reward giveout fix attempt.
* Fort cloudstrorm will now reward any player with one kill or death with new currency: 1x Sacred Pvp Coin.
* Sacred Coins are exchangeable at Award Manager for PvP boxes.
* Suicide kills won't count for score any longer.


- Steeling Bead, Fortifying Bead and Spiritie Bead drop boosted by x3.
- New drop event is now available.
- Sign-in calendar is now available again.
- Attempt to fix issues regarding `Mecha: Torrent` (all versions) seed damage calculation.
- Fixed `Durable fighter` Chroma attack range issue.
- Fixed problem with Mystic Tomes certain attributes not working correctly.
- Ruby Pagoda skill not reseting Moon in the Mirror III fixed.
- Auto-Bloodsmelt should now use Token Bag properly.
- Attempt to fix rare problem causing instance difficulty progress reset.
- Attempt to fix rare sprite related realm crash issue.
- Attempt to fix Celestial Tower related issue.
- BfS yellow raja will now work same as login yellow raja - will expire on move or attack.
- Attempt to fix Fort Instance Sword Regenesis lag around 30% hp.
- Zuolo Plain bosses will now drop high amount of Crystal and Platina Sigils shards.
- Clash of Seven will now grant Sacred PvP Coin.
- Splendid Sovereign Necklace LV1 price reduced at Gold Exchange.
- Zuolo Contract added to Gold Exchange. Costs 10 Bank Notes.
- Secret Phoenix Feather Violetgold price reduced to 5 at Jude.
- Regular BfS rewards boosted. Fate Blood, Team Heroes Pack VI and Platina Sigil added as final rewards.


- Deprecated `Dreamland Scroll` removed from marketplace.
- Lupin Bell Assimilate issues resolved.
- Mount/Skyblade Extension issue fixed.
- New server rule added: `It is forbidden to attack fort PvP using other alliances just to get participation reward. This system was designed for PvP purpose and any abuse will lead to consequences for whole alliance. `


- Territory War `Stationed general` option will no longer cause disconnect.
- Felkin Seat of Chaos spawn fixed.
- PvE Event launched.
- Attempt to fix instance realm crashes that occurs from time to time.
- Attempt to fix situation where Zuolo Bosses weren't spawniung at all.
- Holy Lotus chinese named reward npc translated.
- Holy Lotus reward npc floating drop issue fix attempt.
- Fort PvE drop corrected.
- Charge Order (Kytos) teleport issue fixed.
- Fixed possible issue with Array(aura) type skill not applying all effects sometimes.
- Client performance boost attempt.
- Regular (in-game) BfS should now be linked with website BfS round system regadring timeframes and players needed to initiate.


- Fixed problem with Privilege Vip auto reset once all 3 jaden items are purchased.
- Alliance Trail boss spawn issues fix attempt.
- Vigor Battery added to Emerald Lady instance.
- Instance realm crash issue should now affect less instances.
- LV6 Mystic Tome books have now better chance for higher stat value.


- Quests issues resolved (Jadeon Defense vouchers, PvP Fort Coins etc).
- Durable Figther range issue final fix.
- [Seira] Storm's Grace II fixed
- [Seira] Cloud Swiper III Hero (player target) white damage error fixed.
- [Seira] Chekun Ricochet (all versions) bounce ability fixed.
- Auto Bloodsmelt will now use LV105 esper as source instead LV75 one!
- [Attempt] Added 5 second yellow raja after resurrection in Fort PvP.
- [Attempt] Fort PvP structures should be now immune to more effects and prevent instant destroy.
- Territory War map bid issues fixed.
- Infinity alliance icon updated.


- Fixed ■Scion·Flaming Lotus Boots♂ unable to embed into Icestar Fate.
- [Shura Gauntlet] Vagrant Robber spawn amount increased from 8 to 20 to prevent rare bug.
- [Attempt] [Fort PvP] Fixed issue with Sacred Coin Reward not delivering if map was left due crash or disconnect.
- [Fort PvP] Fixed white damage working against Fort PvP structures.
- [Attempt] [PvP TW] Fixed score tab and portal resurrect option.
- Vip system will now specify vip jadens and amount needed for next level directly in game.
- Marketplace changes:
* Velvet Painting 1j -> 0.25j.
* Soul Inverter 0.1j -> 0.03j
* Chi Enhancer 0.75j -> 0.50j
* Spiritseal (Gold) 1j -> 0.50j
* Golden Branch of Wishes 1j 0> 0.50j
* Astral Dew 1j -> 0.50j
* Reforge Stone, Socket Lock 1,5j -> 1j.
* Fatecharm Fragments Pack 3j->1j.
* Kirin Sigil 50j->10j.
* Bronze Sigil 0.5j->0.1j.
* Drake Sigil and Diamond Sigils added.
* Yuan Crystal LV8 deleted.
* Yuan Crystal LV9 55j->20j.


- Fixed issues with white damage not working on certain mobs.
- [Attempt] Fixed issue entering PvP Fort Cloudstorm.