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Guide - Basic and Cosmo Guides! Part 1.

Started by The92Ghost, September 01, 2019, 11:56:00 pm

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September 01, 2019, 11:56:00 pm Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 04:37:18 am by The92Ghost
I plan to show you in this guide, how to increase your cosmo, in several steps. Most of you call it PL, I call it Cosmo, because that the real name of it. Now, shall we start?

Step 1:

Increase your cloths levels:

You guys need to increase your cloth levels. They are as important as your life, starting with your Main Cloth, all the way up to your new cloths which you get with the time.

How to increase them?

It's simple, press button 'H', so the window with your cloths to show up like that:

1. Bronze Cloths Tab

2. Silver Cloths Tab

3. Gold Cloths Tab

4. God Slayer Cloths Tab

5. Surplices for Level 102

6. Poseidon Cloths (Black Sea Dragon, Normal Sea Dragon and Serine)

You then need to target your cloth, by pressing just once the left button of your mouse over it:

Then you click on:

When you do that, a new window will pop out, giving you all the information about your cloth, and even how does it look like, when it's packed:

1. Emblems which you need to upgrade your cloths

2. Bronze Potions which give higher experience to the emblems than usual experience - Not recommended to be used all the time, unless the cloth is over 5 or 10 level.

3. Second type of Potions/Silver Potions - Those potions are strictly for Silver Cloths, I advise you to don't waste them on Bronze ones, because you will need them for your Silver Cloths.


To increase your main bronze cloths (Pegasus, Dragon, Cygnus, Andromeda and Phoenix Cloths), you need emblems, which are separate in four different tiers (Tier 1 (1-49), Tier 2 (50-69), Tier 3 (70-79), and Tier 4 (80-100)), getting each one of them at certain levels:

Tier 1 -

Tier 2 -

Tier 3 -

Tier 4 -

6. Normal Bronze Cloths -

7. Silver Cloths -

Blood Potions:

For your Main Bronze Cloth and the Gold Cloths -

For Standard Bronze Cloths -

For Bronze and Silver Cloths -

You can get these potions, by doing daily dungeons like Abyss, Avengers and 0/9 or PvP for that matter, like arena and so on. Of course, you can find them in cash shop as well for Emeralds (which you win by doing daily quests from the '!' next to your mini map at the top right corner). The place where you can buy them is either here:

Or you can find them over here, by clicking on that button in the Cloth Window Information:

1. Check Box - Make sure to check the box with the blood potions which you want.

2. Packs - How many packs you intend to buy, 1 or 2. Note: Packs contain 20 potions, each one of them.

3. Check Button - You click on this button to buy the item for the Green Coupons.

Those potions are very useful, once your cloth gets at high levels, when to raise your cloth you need tons of NPC Money and tons of Emblems to upgrade your cloth just one level more. You will need those potions at these moments, because using any of those potions is quite useful, because they increase the experience gain from the emblems and you spend less money and emblems to upgrade your cloth.

Step 2:


Most of the time, when people raise their level, they totally forget for their skills, which they use in battle, and they shouldn't because they give great cosmo as well.

To open the skill menu, press button 'K', and raise every single skill which have Green Arrow on it, until it becomes greyish. When it becomes Greyish, means you've reached the maximum level of this skill for your level, or simply this skill can't be raised anymore.

1. The tab in which you need to be for your Main Skills and Attacks

2. Skills - Mine are greyish, because I've raised them to their maximum rank at my level, but!

3. Raising Button - If you don't have your skills raised like mine, to maximum. You can see on that spot the green button which you need to click on, to raise your skills. I advise you to start from the bottom skills to the top, or from the skills which you use more often and you think that they are powerful.

Have in mind that all of the Main Skills, absorbs experience (the one with which you level up). So make sure you don't hurry to level up as soon as possible, but actually check out your Skills, which one of them need an upgrade for your level and then level up. Otherwise you will keep leveling up through the whole time and it will come moment in which you will stop and you would like to raise your skills, but the experience which you've gathered won't be enough, and you will be stuck at high level, but with low damage/CC/Tank skills, which are worthless in raids, dungeons and so on. And you will have to stick on the same level for quite some time.

Note: There is skills, which are just rank 1, so don't panic!

Passive Skills for Player Money:

Passive Skills, another great tool to increase your PL with a huge chunk!

You will find them, by pressing 'K' and moving to the third tab:

1. Passive Skills Tab - Click on this tab so the Passive Skills Menu to show up.

2. Moving Box - You can slide this box up and down as it shown with the 3rd mark, so you can scout through all the skills.

Now the first 9 or so skills, they are all with player money, not NPC Money, but Player Money/Auction House Money... you know you have 2 type of available coins, the first one is to buy stuffs from NPC and Fix your gear/armor and cloth, and the second one is the one which you use to buy stuffs from other Players (Player Shops) or Auction House... you need the second type of money, with which you can buy stuffs from Players and Auction House.

Now Player Money are hard to get, I won't lie to you. You need to do world bosses every time at 12:30 and 21:30 Server Time, you need to do Athena (or any of the other Gods (Poseidon and Hades) Statue at 12:45 and 21:45 Server Time and it's hard to get chests, because there are many players, and it's a race. However there is an easier way, to get those money, by having these keys (), you can get them by exchanging these in Legion Base (check the map after the paragraph), and searching for bags in base (red/yellow bags), which are dropped on the ground at random location, and they give random amount of Player Moneys. (It's not small amount for high levels, but probably it's low for low levels.):

The NPC to which you can exchange these is:

Now when you have enough player money, I suggest you to concentrate over the skill which is for your class, you can check the passive class skill at the bottom of the description where it says "Required Skill of ... or ...". Please keep in mind that for some skills it won't say "or". Those skills give HUGE amount of Power Level if they are raised high enough.

Passive Skills for Experience:

Yes, you heard correctly, there is passive skills in this same tab, which can be leveled by your experience. Pretty much like your normal skills. Those skills can be found at the bottom of the Passive Skill Page, the last 5 or so skills. They give huge cosmos too:

1. Level up button - Here you can see the level up button for skills, for which I've talked earlier.

2. You need to slide your bar all the way to the bottom

3. Those are the 5 skills for which I spoke to you, you need to raise them at least to 20! When you are level 85... If you want you can level them up, once or twice, per level, when they become unlocked.

Step 3:


If you have low power level, it's probably because of that. You don't have your gear enchanted/enhanced! You need to enhance your gear, whenever you can! Until it starts glowing with golden color: (Example), you see how it have this slight glow around it, your whole gear should be like that!

To enchant your gear, you need to have few materials at first, you can find out which ones you need by going to the NPC and selecting "Enhance" (which is the first option).

Now the fun part starts:

1. Your menu with the gear which you wear and it's available for enhance.

2. Enhance Amount - You can see two series of numbers here 597/1100, this means that I've managed to raise the Enhance Points to 597, but I still have 503 more points to fill in, until I get the maximum bonus out of it.

3. Stats which buffs - The one which I've shown on the picture buffs your attack, but the others can buff your HP, your Defense or your Elemental Attack for that matter, even your Dodge!

4. Available spots for enhanced attributes - Those attributes play the role of a gems, something like that. Which can be leveled up, you need to level exactly those gems if you want to raise your gear - enhance level. You have certain spots available for each Gear Piece, and if it's lower level you get lower spots and if it's high level gear, like mine it gives you almost all of them.

5. Lock Spot - This lock spot can be unlocked as you level up, or you change the piece of gear which you are wearing, giving you more free spots for gems.

6. Material/Item which you need - It shows you the item which requires so you can start raising your gems level. Those materials drop left and right in dungeons. Literally all over the place.

7. Upgrade button - Once you've selected 9 and 11, you click on this button so your piece can start upgrading. Note: the upgrade success is not 100% assure.

8. Blood Pots - You can buy them the same way as the other blood pots, and you can get them as well from dungeons, quests or roulette, pretty much like the rest of the pots.

9. How many of those pots you will spend - In other words, you pick the number of pots which you will use so you can get higher chance of upgrade. Note: It's recommended to spend 10 each time, because 10 give 95% chance of success.

10. You can buy Blood Pots with Green Stars from Cash Shop, by clicking on that button, pretty much like the previous pots.

11. Auto-Enchant - This means that if you pick up/checkup that option, and you start the blue button under number 7, it won't stop enchanting on its own, until you get a success. Note: You can turn off the auto-enchant by pressing again the blue button (or grey if it's in process).

The enchant is really important, because it improves your stats as a whole. Your HP jumps high up, your defense, your normal/elemental attack and your dodge stats, as well. It gives of course a HUGE chunk of PL with each successful enchant.