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Incense Mage Mystic Tome skills

Started by etnies445, July 09, 2018, 04:00:46 pm

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July 09, 2018, 04:00:46 pm Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 12:05:01 am by etnies445
Nirvana 3 <Skies>

Removes debuffs. For 15 sec, immune to attacks and debuffs 30 times. Completely heals HP full
CD 30 sec

Skies Special Effect:
For 8 sec, increases Skill Accuracy by 15 points

Nirvana 3 <Seas>

Removes debuffs. For 15 sec, immune to attacks and debuffs 30 times. Completely heals HP full
CD 30 sec

Seas Special Effect:
Randomly adds 3 - 5 weakened buffs to the caster for 15 sec

Nirvana 3 <Earth>

Removes debuffs. For 15 sec, immune to attacks and debuffs 30 times. Completely heals HP full
CD 30 sec

Earth Special Effect:
Immunity raised by 10 hits and removes CD to Flame Badge

Nirvana 3 <Hero>

Removes debuffs. For 15 sec, immune to attacks and debuffs 30 times. Completely heals HP full
CD 30 sec

Hero Special Effect:
Fixed chance to trigger an Invincibility effect

Blaze of Janos 3 <Skies>

Range: <Skies> Penetrates at most 4 targets within range

Hits 18 yards ahead in a linear path

Deals extra damage equal to 150% of AP. Clears the majority of buffs from the target replacing with random debuffs.
For 8 sec, the target will be unable to receive a buff. For every 5 points of higher Skill Accuracy, the duration is raised 1 sec

x# Buffs - Defense Reduction, Sleep, HP remove
x# Buffs - Silence, Paralyze, SP remove
x# Buffs - Reduce Critnull, Skill Evasion, and chance to fast and freeze for 3 sec

Skies Special Effect:
Chance to trigger an instant burn effect. Burn damage is related to current HP and Critstrike Rate

Blaze of Janos 3 <Seas>

Range: <Seas> Attack every target around the caster

Hits every target in a linear path in 4 different directions within 18 yards of the caster

Deals extra damage equal to 150% of AP. Clears the majority of buffs from the target replacing with random debuffs.
For 8 sec, the target will be unable to receive a buff. For every 5 points of higher Skill Accuracy, the duration is raised 1 sec

x# Buffs - Defense Reduction, Sleep, HP remove
x# Buffs - Silence, Paralyze, SP remove
x# Buffs - Reduce Critnull, Skill Evasion, and chance to fast and freeze for 3 sec

Seas Special Effect:
The more buffs the caster has, the higher the skill damage will be

Blaze of Janos 3 <Earth>

Range: <Earth> Attack a target and those within a fixed area

Hits a target within 18 yards and 4 targets within a 3 yard radius of that target

Deals extra damage equal to 150% of AP. Clears the majority of buffs from the target replacing with random debuffs.
For 8 sec, the target will be unable to receive a buff. For every 5 points of higher Skill Accuracy, the duration is raised 1 sec

x# Buffs - Defense Reduction, Sleep, HP remove
x# Buffs - Silence, Paralyze, SP remove
x# Buffs - Reduce Critnull, Skill Evasion, and chance to fast and freeze for 3 sec

Earth Special Effect:
Also places the target in a Vile Karma effect and they will lose the ability to select a target

Blaze of Janos 3 <Hero>

Range: <Hero> Attack a single target

Hits a single target within 18+7 yards

Deals extra damage equal to 150% of AP. Clears the majority of buffs from the target replacing with random debuffs.
For 8 sec, the target will be unable to receive a buff. For every 5 points of higher Skill Accuracy, the duration is raised 1 sec

x# Buffs - Defense Reduction, Sleep, HP remove
x# Buffs - Silence, Paralyze, SP remove
x# Buffs - Reduce Critnull, Skill Evasion, and chance to fast and freeze for 3 sec

Hero Special Effect:
The farther the target is, the higher damage will be dealt