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Messages - Kitsukin

Suggestions / Bag Expansion
July 11, 2018, 09:51:33 pm
Does anyone else think bag expansion is a little expensive on green jade shop? I've been thinking that the first Felwood type items give 12 spaces at a certain price but the next ones give 6 spaces at a higher cost. I feel like bag space doesnt impact the game too much just very annoying to have to sell things all the time when you want to do quests etc. Because it's hard to prioritize bags over gear? I decided to make a new character recently and since we are limited to two accounts I have been using Green Jaden to progress my chars so had none for bag space. I feel that the price is too high and if anyone is willing to give some input about this I'd appreciate it. Seems to me this could be one thing that wouldn't ruin the server by lowering the price on the expansion. (This may apply to pet bag space too)
Suggestions / Bronze Sigil Quests
July 11, 2018, 09:48:52 pm
This is more of a suggestion that affects me personally but might affect others so I would like to make this known. The current Bronze Sigil Daily quests are during times of Standard work hours in Eastern Standard time making it impossible for me to ever do those quests. Could we maybe space out the daily so its like one in the morning game time and one in the afternoon or something so at least people in NA can have a fighting chance? I haven't been able to do one since the quest reward got modified because of the time.
Technical Issues / Green jaden bug
June 30, 2018, 07:13:52 am
Vote twice and only have 60 green jadens....