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[Classic] Ami's Shabby Fishnet

Started by Laeluan, July 12, 2019, 01:04:40 am

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You may have noticed this quest available with Ami whenever you go to pick up fishing bait. You may even have tried it, and received a Yin-Yang orb item that told you to go to Fountainhead Hollows.

You may even have followed the instructions and trudgled off to the northern-most part of Sunstream, only to receive a pop-up telling you to locate a carp, and then spending several minutes trying to figure out if there is a fish at all.

The good news is, there is a fish!

Well, there's one of three, really. The fish is, however, invisible, and the only way you know where to start picking up the fish is where your cursor changes to a pick-up hand. Which is a tiny spot, and due to the aforementioned invisibility, it can be an exercise in frustration to locate the right spot without a guide.

Good thing that this is a guide, then!

(-40 440) Smelly Carp - this one is a dud. If you right-click it to eat it, you'll just get a small bleed on you. Sell it to a NPC.

(4 431) Ordinary Carp - a bit more fun. If you haven't already, you can right-click to consume it and get the title <Heroic Characteristics>

(-28 449) Eera Carp - now this is the good one. You can either choose to consume the carp (available once only), which starts a small quest in which you help a koi turn into a dragon (albeit in text-only format) and gain the title <Sorrowful Smile>. I recommend doing this little quest for the title the first time you catch the Eera Carp. After this first time, Ami will give you a Torn Fishnet in exchange for the carp.

What is the fishnet for? It is used to create Xuan Paper for the Unknown Scholar. Once a day, you can talk to the Unknown Scholar near the Skylord in Sunstream. Simply go through all of his green quests (there will be one starter quest, then it splits into four sub-quests, and finally you have the last quest) until you get one of four random blueprints for a writing implement. This can be an ink stone, a writing brush, an ink stick, or... a Xuan Paper. The actual blueprint is entirely random, so you may need to return a few days in a row before you get the one for the paper.

Now you just need to gather Ramie and Bark. The latter is obtained from the clickable trees in South Border's Forest Of Rot--beware the mobs that tend to hang out around them, though. Ramie is obtained by either fishing it up with fishing bait, or by going to Moontop Hollow and locating the yellow Mirage Crystals. These crystals give items for crafting materials for the Unkonwn Scholar, so if you have started collecting the blueprints, make sure you keep some of each type.

Once you have both Fishnet, Ramie and Bark in your inventory, simply right-click your Xuan Paper blueprint, and you will get 2 random elemental beads and one piece of paper. The paper you can trade with the Unknown Scholar, and get one out of 24 random book pages in return (the actual selection depends on what you're handing in). If you manage to gather all of the pages for one book (I, II, or III), you can turn these into an item that will let you read some books in Skysong and give you 5 taichi pills and some temporary stat boosters.
