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Items in 105 level reward are missing

Started by fjfzzhw, March 18, 2020, 07:08:35 am

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other ones came in the mail except for these: jaki stone, tarus essence x2 (different), chi of deliberation. can you please check thank you.


April 02, 2020, 09:03:42 pm #1 Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 09:07:54 pm by babygirl35 Reason: it on my other account rogue1955 and babygirl3485
hi i bought blood well and the spirit pots just now and i didnt get them even the items from the reward they are not in my account stash or my mail it did to me alot and wonder if i can get help to get them or my green jade back i didnt bother til now. even i tried to by gold on game not sure how that works i am new on the game but for voting to get items i didnt get please help me get them or green jade back.
on my other account rogue1955 account didnt see it on babygirl35 account sorry for that my items for the reward i didnt get on rogue1955 and babygirl3485 too

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