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SMF - Just Installed!

Version 43 is now live!

Started by KillerWasp | WaspMan, July 07, 2020, 11:32:22 pm

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KillerWasp | WaspMan

Hello all, here are todays notes. Let me know if anything doesn't work via Discord and let's get this show on the road...

**Bug Fixes:**
* Fixed the SB neck at the `Reborn Gear Forge` in Archo West.
* Attempted fix for the Veno pets not eating `Perfect Cookies`.
* Fixed the cost for the `Night Howler` skill at the `Spirit of Morai` skill exchange.
* Fixed an issue with `Roll Call` not working at all.
* Fixed an issue with the `Tulip Seed` not working in the `Fragrance Garden` inside the `Homestead`.
* Fixed the descriptions of some of the Molds.
* Fixed the `To Nightscream Island` quest taking 30,000 coins instead of 2,000 coins.

* Changed the drop tables for all bosses inside `Lunar Glade` as per the Wiki. Ref: ****
* Changed the drop tables for all bosses inside `Warsong City` as per the Wiki. Ref: ****
* More changes to the `rare_item` list.
   -   Some gears have been removed to remove the spam.
* Changed the boss needed for the `Madness begins..` quest to the normal `Drake Fling` and not the Vile boss.
* `Primordial Blood` has been renamed to `Primal Blood` due to everyone naming it that in my DM (lol).
* Changed the spawn timers for the forges in Archo North to permanently spawn on the map.
* Changed all descriptions that included `PW Boutique Agent` to match the NPC name.
* Changed the `Homestead` max energy after level 10 by 500%.
* Changed the protect type on the Molds dropped inside the instances and they can now be traded.
   -   You will need to get new ones for this data update to apply.
* Changed the price of the `Sigil:` items on the `Homestead Exchange Maiden` so that everyone can afford the materials for g17 and not just chargers.
* All `Lava` fashions weapons have been removed from the exchange and Boutique for now. This is because they were falsely advertised as customs. They will be readded at a later date under their real names.
* Changed all `Dreamchaser` items from the `Dreamchaser Pack` to be able to be sold to a merchant again.
* Changed the Culivation Skip items at the `Event` and `Reborn Exchanges` for the new `Choose a side` item.
* Changed the price for the `Teleacoustic` at the `Reborn Boutique Agent` back to the original price.

* Added `Warsong Emblem`, `Medal`, `Essece`, and `Mirage Celestone` to the `Watcher of the Earth` in exchange for `Supply Tokens`.
   -   This is due to the changes above to all bosses in the instances that used to drop these items.
* Added `Primal Blood` to the `Reborn Exchange`.
* Added `Barbaric Blood` to the `Reborn Exchange`.
* Added `Jaden Crystal` to the `Gear Exchange`.
* Added the `Event Exchange` to `Immortal Wasp` in Archo West.
* Added all molds to the `Event Exchange` in Archo West.
* Added a new boss that spawns at 23:00 daily in the Outskirts of Archo West.
   -   An in game announcement will let you know where to go at 22:55.
   -   The boss will vanish at 00:00.
* Added the `Sky Arena` announcement in game. No more Discord spam.
* Minor addition to the character sheet under `C` to add the `Shifting Sky` *Boundary level* to the hoverover text of the *Boundary level text*.
* Added quests in `Lothranis` and `Momaganon` that teleport you to the specific towns.
* Added an exchange for other `Teleport Stones` that cannot stack with the ones from the Boutique to the `Reborn Exchange`.
* Added a new item to replace the Cultivation Skips called `Choose a side`.
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