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SMF - Just Installed!

Patch v50

Started by KillerWasp | WaspMan, August 27, 2020, 02:08:54 am

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KillerWasp | WaspMan

Hey all, here are the patch notes.

Please let us know if you encounter any errors/bugs.

* Fixed some quests to now give Nightshade flyers.
* Fixed an issue regarding `Reborns Tome of Faith`. It can now be crafted at the `Reborn Specials Exchange` forge.
* Fixed the daily limit of `Buff Pack`.
* Fixed the issue with the `Cave of the Vicious` not reducing players earning time.

* Changed the HP from the mobs for the Deity Lord quests to a tenth of what they were before. (Nerfed HP)
* Changed the drops from the mobs for the Deity Lord quests. (Nerfed Drop rates)
* Changed the `Reborn Crystal` and other item chances on the `Lothranis` and `Momaganon` Caches to now drop less.
   -   RC has been changed from 25 > two(2) (add a zero(0) to each bigger pack so, 20, 200, 2000), and from 19.96% to 15.0146% on all packs.
   -   Full change;
   Large Life Potion   25   20.7100%
   Large Magic Potion   12   11.4300%
   Lucky Star   12   8.0000%
   Reborn Crystal   25   19.9600%
   Supply Tokens Pack   5   39.9000%
   Large Life Potion   25   25.9993%
   Large Magic Potion   12   16.9526%
   Lucky Star   12   13.0336%
   Reborn Crystal   2   15.0146%
   Supply Tokens Pack   5   29.0000%
* Changed all sources of the `Nebula Dust Orb` that gives no `Astral Energy` to the `Nebula Dust Orb` that gives one(1) per usage.
* Changed all cultivation missions mutex (disables old/new tasks after completion) to the `Aware of Vacuity` skip quest.
* Changed the `Madness Shard` drop on `Reborn Mirage Queen` to `Madness Shard Pack`.
* Changed the location of `Poisontail Occultist` from `Cave of the Vicious` to just outside the entrance of the cave.
* Changed [Removed] the added skill on the monsters inside of FC that gave a speed buff to zero(0).
* Changed the craft metrix for the g17 helms and added them to the `Reborn Exchange Forge` instead.
   -   You will no longer be able to keep refine/gems inside the helm due to this issue.
* Changed the health of `Illusion of Grandeur`.
* Changed the `Feather of the Just` and `Coin of the Just` drop chances from 6.25% to 2%.
* Changed the SP gain inside of FC to x10 (increased current) and inside PV to x100 (increased current).
* Changed items on the `Event Exchange` to go with the new Event GMs suggestions and thoughts.
* Changed the protection type on Cards. You can now sell them to an NPC.
* Changed the values on both `Large Life` and ` Large Magic` Potions to 8,000.

* Added a new quest that triggers after the `Welcome Pack` quest to give a class flyer.
* Added two daily quests (can complete ten times) to the fb51 `Frostcovered Grounds` to obtain Grade 17 weapon items.
   -   `Complete Chaos Run` is required for this. To activate it, first choose `Chaos Mode` on the NPC.
* Added an exchange for the `Nebula Dust Orb` to the `Reborn Exchange` forge in West.
* Added the `Rising Dawn Forge` to Archo West.
* Added DB and SB skills to `Spirit of Morai` in 1k.
* Added a quest `To the Deities` to the `Reborn Wayfinder`.
* Added the quest `Complete Chaos Run` to `Empyrion Mota'ku` inside `Secret Frostcover Grounds`.
* Added 100 PvE Titles to the Boutique and the `PvE Title Exchange` in Archo West.
* Added a `Nuema Portal Pack` to the Boutique.
* Added a quest to `Return to the Cave` if you die inside `Cave of the Vicious` to the `Reborn Wayfinder`
* Added `Basic Badge` to another drop table with a 6.5% chance to drop.
* Added the `Reborn Mirage Minion` mobs to the `Reborn Mirage Queen` daily spawn.
* Added more `Nebula Dust Orb` variants that give different amounts of EXP to the `Reborn Exchange`.
* Added a `Madness Shard x10|x100` exchange to `Reborn Exchange` for one(1|100) `Madness Shard Pack`
* Added a whole bunch of things from Official PW that we hope to release to players gradually to give them something to work towards.
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