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Patch notes for Version 35

Started by KillerWasp | WaspMan, October 31, 2020, 07:16:38 pm

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KillerWasp | WaspMan

Hello all, todays patch contains;

v35 contains;

**Halloween Event has been launched. Find `Halloween Spiders` and exchange them at Da'na in Fu Giu.**
***This event will last for one week and will be patched out. You will be able to exchange the drop for RC after the Event, just like the Easter Event Drop.***

* Fixed the names of the colours when dying fashions. They are now all in English.
* Fixed a few quest names still showing in Chinese.

* Changed `Hall of Heroes` level requirements to level 90, up from level 70.
   -   Additionally the instance now requires a minimum of three(3) players and a maximum of six(6) players.

* Added a `Rookie Endurance Pill`.
* Added/fixed item descriptions.

* *None*

* *None*
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