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Jade Dynasty 4.8.0 - Heritage expansion skill changes

Started by CompeR, April 08, 2021, 01:13:15 pm

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HERITAGE expansion skill changes


Human Skills ~
Damage & range were raised

Vile Edict ~
Hits 2 times. Frenzied Howl effect will only affect 2nd hit

Miasmic Frenzy ~
Reduces AP equal to 8% of caster's Max AP

Posture Restriction Removed ~
Secluded Spring, Bloodcurdling Curse, and Firestone Will (Star Skill)

Exterminate ~
1st hit deals extra damage equal to 10% of Max HP and hits with 10% higher c.rate.
2nd hit deals extra damage equal to 10% of Max SP and hits with 100% higher c.bonus.
3rd hit deals extra damage equal to sum of the first 2 hits and hits with a 10% higher c.rate and 100% higher c.bonus
CD 90 sec

Smash Blade ~
50% chance to reduce SP to 1 and control effects' strength raised to 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Thwart Demon ~
Evaporates 100% of SP. The 300 times rank restriction was removed. Evil Spirit AP effect was raised from 5 to 30 times level. Reduces the target's RES equal to 200% of their level. Control effect strength changed to 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Nimble Spirit 2 ~
For 20 sec, raises Critshield 300% and reduces damage by 40%. Also protects the caster's current buffs from being removed for 10 sec. CD 60 sec

Miasmic Frenzy 2 ~
Now only lowers Max HP equal to 3% of caster's current HP (stackable 5 times)

Ghost of the Wronged 2 ~
Slows target by 30%

Dance of Chaos ~
The last hit can extend the duration to a Concentrated Resistance buff by 8 sec (max limit is 1 min)

Dance of Chaos (Chroma) ~
Attacking mobs will give a Souls of the Dead buff that will raise Stun RES for 8 sec. The last hit has a 33% chance to recover Vigor. Each hit has 15% chance to cause an effect depending on affinity. Arcane reduces Skill Accuracy by 30. Bane causes Palsy, slowing by 40% and raising cast time 30%. Zen raises damage done to target by 20%

Dance of Chaos <Zen>~
Changed the damage increase effect icon to allow better stacking with other skills.

Forest of Laughter 3 <Ocean> ~
Fixed errors with RES Reduction effect



Rage of Tireseus ~
Every 50 points of higher Paralyze RES the caster has over the target, there is a 10% chance to pull targets to a single spot

Wasteland Reality ~
DEF Reduction now uses the caster's Max AP. Control effect strength uses 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Blizzard of Thunder (Jadeon Pre Asc) ~
Paralyze strength is 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Magnificent Spirit 2 ~
CD 90 sec

Dragon's Retribution <Arcane> ~
At rank 20, the skill will also increase damage done to targets by 5%. Changed the damage increase effect icon to allow better stacking with other skills.

Embodiment of Truth (Chroma) ~
At rank 20, the buff's duration is raised by 10 sec. Skill will also remove 3 sec from CD to Seven Disasters for 20 sec

Thunderblade (Chroma) ~
Has 10% chance to Silence with strength now equaling the caster's RES

Wanderlust (Star Skill) ~
At rank 3, passive will give Wanderlust a Paralyze and Silence Immunity for 6 sec



Heart Sutra ~
Recovers SP every 2 sec for 12 sec equal to 8% of Max SP

Fohjo Sage ~
Raises the SP Recovery amount to Heart Sutra by 20%

Self Destruct 2 ~
CD 120 sec

Blessing of Prosperity ~
Fixed issue where Skysong characters would cast the Blessing of Prosperity skill again after reviving someone

Spiritual Exchange 2 ~
Consumes 80% of current SP

Muscle Control 2 ~
Has 100% chance to remove Paralyze, Slow, and Palsy

Immeasurable Truth (Chroma) ~
Last hit raises damage done to targets by 3% for 30 sec (stackable 5 times). Changed the damage increase effect icon to allow better stacking with other skills.

10,000 Things (All) ~
Each use of skills will take 5 sec off the CD to Karmic Cycle



Djinn Fire ~
Cast range 12 yards

Isolation ~
Djinn Fire has 100% chance to Stun, strength equals caster's Stun RES that lasts for 2 sec

Fog Curse ~
Skill also raises Critnull by 3%

Cherub's Song ~
Raises Max HP equal to Stun RES times 10. Max HP effect removed from Unbridled Madness tome

Nameless Technique ~
When hitting mobs, each hit will also deal damage equal to 200% of caster's current DEF

Tail of Nine (Jadeon Pre Asc) ~
Each hit can Paralyze for 2 sec. Strength is 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Empty Return (Vim Pre Asc) ~
Silence strength is 600 or caster's RES, uses higher value

Vampire Bite Curse 2 ~
Max HP Reduction adds 10% of caster's current SP, but can only reduce 60% of target's Max HP

Sangjo Array 2 ~
Array also reduces Skill Evasion by 20 and Critshield by 40%

Djinn Fire 2 ~
100% chance to remove SP. Reduces targets' AP equal to 60% of caster's AP, but cannot exceed 20000

Infatuation 2 ~
Each rank of Infatuation will raise damage reduction by 5%

Dawn's End <Arcane> ~
Also raises damage to next hit by 10% for 8 sec. At rank 20, raises this amount by 2%

Nameless Technique <Zen> ~
5th hit's chance to remove buff raised to 30%

Cherub's Dance (Star Skill) ~
Has 100% chance to interrupt skill casting, 60% chance to remove buffs, and 20% chance to reduce SP



Shadow of Hope ~
When hitting mobs, Pain of Sorrow is raised to rank 4. Damage will raise by 18% for 16 sec

Heartfelt ~
Tome's 3% raised to 5% per rank

Meditation ~
Also raises Skill Accuracy by 8

Dimly Discernable ~
Also raises Skill Evasion by 4

Charge ~
Has 15% chance to remove Palsy, 35% chance to remove Weaken, and has a 100% chance to remove Cripple effects

Cloudbreaker ~
New Annihilation effect added that lasts 10 sec. It will create damage equal to 10% of all damage the target received under this effect, but damage cannot exceed the lupin's current HP multiplied by 30. CD 150 sec

Frozen Memories ~
Each stack of the Falling Lustre buff will add damage equal to 2 points per every 1000 of the caster's current HP.
Skill also clears the CD to the chroma version of skill

Constant Worry (Skysong Pre Asc) ~
Sleep strength is 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value

Memory's Standstill (Jadeon Pre Asc) ~
Paralyze strength is 600 points or caster's RES, uses higher value


Incense Mage:

Spectre ~
Skill will have a 1 sec CD even with the Drawn tome & charm

Nanwu Fire (Chroma) ~
When hitting mobs, each hit will add 5% of caster's current HP to damage

Fire Slay 2 ~
Raised summon's HP

Flame Mountain 2 ~
Doesn't consume HP. Adds 10% of current HP to damage



Damage Raise ~
All Powerful Aid & Durable Fighter 1st Move to 4th Move skills' damage were raised

Sky Rift ~
Hits 2 times

Blade Breaker ~
Hits 2 times

Dragon Speed ~
Raises AP by 18%

Tiger Defense ~
Raises DEF by 18%

Furious Roar 2 ~
Reduces Skill Accuracy & Skill Evasion by 30. Also lowers target's RES by 20%

Twisting Dragon 2 ~
Bleed equals caster's total RES times 10, but cannot exceed 130% of AP. Has a chance for an Extreme Bleed effect

Powerful Aid 3 (All) ~
When hitting mobs, each hit will add 5% of current HP to damage



Fox Shadow ~
Also makes caster immune to Sleep and Taunt

Spurt ~
If this skill is used while under Fox Shadow, 15 sec will be removed from its CD

Night Wanderer ~
Has 27% chance to interrupt target's casting of skills

Deep Insight ~
Summons Accuracy is raised by 540

Solaris Fall ~
Hits 2 times. Affects 15 targets. CD 21 sec



Ghost Pace ~
Has 70% chance to remove 4 debuffs

Damage Raise ~
Wind Cut: 5% of AP added to extra damage
Intrusion: 1% of AP added to extra damage

Steal Raid: 7% of AP added to extra damage
Ghost Cut: 10% of AP added to extra damage
Instant Slay: 1% of AP added to extra damage

Hunt Raid: 12% of AP added to extra damage
Thunder Cut: 15% of AP added to extra damage
Sudden Blow: 10% of AP added to extra damage

Teeth Raid: 17% of AP added to extra damage
Dragon Cut: 20% of AP added to extra damage
Bloody Chop: 12% of AP added to extra damage

Void: 16% of AP added to extra damage
Celestial Slay: 20% of AP added to extra damage

Hunt Raid 2 ~
Fixed issues with skill not affecting Sylia faction



Song Snow of Purity ~
C.rate buff can coexist with all c.rate raising buffs

Tone of Frost 2 ~
Also protects buffs from being removed from teammates for 8 sec. CD reduced to 90 sec

End of Opera ~
Fixed tome was increasing instead reducing the cooldown to Blow Mountain's Regret

Blow Petals Drop (Chroma) ~
Range raised to 20 yards

Tone of Ancestor (Chroma) ~
At rank 20, will raise Felkin, Fuwa, or Dagos RES by 5% based on affinity

Moon in the Mirror 3 (All) ~
At rank 3, the reflect trigger chance is raised to 100%

Soundblade Storm (Star Skill) ~
Final Bleed damage tick raises by 170% of caster's current HP

Tone of Frost (Star Skill) ~
Also has 100% chance to remove Frosty effects



Wolf Killing ~
Silence lasts 4.5 sec. CD 15 sec

Activate Buff ~
Cannot be removed from caster

Sky Essence 3 (All) ~
Fixed issue with Lake Sura 2 raising the duration to these skills' sky stance

Reality Termination <Zen> ~
Lowered Vigor cost and raised trigger chance

Reality Termination 3 (All) ~
Fixed description error

Reality Termination 3 (Sky, Ocean, Hero) ~
1st hit has a 60% chance to land Palsy for 3 sec. For every 10,000 points of AP the caster has, the duration is raised 1 sec, at most lasting 10 sec



Cloud Boundary ~
0 SP cost. Absorbs damage equal to 70% of current SP. Wind Magic tome raises SP by 20% of current SP

Last Judgment (All) ~
If caster's SP is 95% or higher when casting these skills, SP will be fully recovered

Damage Raise ~
Heavenly Nirvana: 5% of AP added to extra damage
Earthly Nirvana: 15% of AP added to extra damage

Heavenly Survival: 8% of AP added to extra damage
Earthly Revenge: 20% of AP added to extra damage

Heavenly Nature: 10% of AP added to extra damage
Earthly Stability: 30% of AP added to extra damage

Heavenly Prosperity: 12% of AP added to extra damage
Earthly Evernight: 40% of AP added to extra damage

Seventh Heaven: 15% of AP added to extra damage
Ninth Circle: 50% of AP added to extra damage



Glimpse ~
Raises AP equal to char's rank times 6

Raging Whirlpool ~
Changed effect: If caster's Silence RES is higher than target's, can drag target to the caster within 15 yards and Taunt for 8 sec

Lone Guardian ~
Consumes half of HP and can absorb damage equal to consumed HP for 15 sec. Caster also gains a 50% damage reduction buff

Frost Armor ~
Consumes 80% of current HP and makes caster and rider immune to debuffs. For every 100,000 points of HP the caster has the duration raises 1 sec, but cannot exceed 15 sec. Raises caster's RES by 100 points for 15 sec and at the same time, gain a Death's Volition effect that is also influenced by Destined End tome

Searing Gaze ~
Skill effect durations are raised to 10 sec

Differentiation ~
Fixed problem where skill wasn't causing damage to players under Realm of Torment after moving the target with skill

Kytos faction is able to taunt the bosses in the Shady Milky Way and Shura Gauntlet instances. After the taunt effect ends, the bosses will gain a taunt immune buff for a period of time.



Damage Raise ~
Mecha Toxin: 5% AP added to extra damage
Mecha Chain: 12% AP added to extra damage

Mecha Fiery Land: 16% AP added to extra damage
Mecha Charring: 15% AP added to extra damage

Mecha Flood: 20% AP added to extra damage
Mecha Wave: 20% AP added to extra damage

Mecha Suffering: 25% AP added to extra damage

Mecha Torrent: 35% AP added to extra damage

Mecha Fire Tiger ~
Adds 10% c.rate to Mecha skills

Psytek Posture Skills ~
CD to skills are 1 sec

Spirit Seed Buff ~
Duration raised to 24 sec

Mecha Suffering ~
Each hit will give 3 Spirit Seed buffs

Mecha Torrent ~
When the caster has 30 of the Spirit Seed buff stacked, this skill will have no CD



Hall of Sparrows 2 ~
Hall of Sparrows will only consume 2500 SP

Meteor Shower <Bane> ~
Cast range issues fixed

Emperor Battlecry's ~
Changed ultimate combo hit's damage increase effect to be stackable with other damage increase efffects.

Piercing Bolt (Star Skill) ~
CD 24 sec. Also returns players to where they were when they were first marked. Success rate depends on Stun RES

Luna Gale (Star Skill) ~
Raised chance to interrupt casting of skills and at rank 4, the skill's area of effect will raise

Aquatic Seal (Star Skill) ~
Skill effect changed: Now only adds 10% c.rate and 40% AP to skill



Sun's Favor ~
Has 28% chance to clear CD to Willow's Dance

Yin Whisper 2 ~
Fixed problem where skill wasn't affecting Seira's affinity skills

Montem Dance <Arcane> ~
Also removes Max HP and Max SP reduction effects

Shroud of New Green 3 (All) ~
Reduced CD to ranks 1 & 2 of skill (55 & 45 sec)

Trembling Heart (Star Skill) ~
If caster's Max AP is higher than target's, the Blunt effect will successfully land. Damage increase duration raised to 10 sec

Cicada's Cry (Star Skill) ~
Duration to lowering the target's damage reduction lasts 12 sec



Forest Trek ~
Critnull Reduction changed to a 9% raise to caster's c.rate

Knock Back Effect ~
Black Ink and Maritime Sleep will only knock back targets when the caster's AP is larger than 90% of the target's AP

Ultimate Freeze ~
Has 80% chance for DEF Reduction effect

Rain Listener (T5, Bane, Zen) ~
Chance to reduce target's damage reduction effect was removed from skill

Chilling Dawn ~
Raising chance to reduce target's damage reduction effect removed from tome

Frost Mirror ~
Ultimate Freeze's chance for DEF Reduction is raised 15%

Sky Breeze ~
Critshield Reduction changed to a 10% raise to caster's c.bonus

River Snow 2 ~
Rain Listener also gains Rain Listener <Arcane>'s lowering of target's damage reduction effect

Rain Listener <Arcane> ~
Has 50% chance to reduce target's damage reduction by 1% for 10 sec, stackable 5 times



Distinct Music ~
When tome reaches rank 3, it will reduce the CD to Evolving Form by 1 sec

Elemental Skills ~
CD to skills are now 36 sec. Dagos' Meditate 2 will reduce 5 sec from skills

Butterfly Dream ~
Has 64% chance to land Bequeath effect. CD 30 sec

Unyielding Flower ~
Fixed issue with skill not removing debuffs

Enter the Profound ~
Raised duration to skill's effect

Alter Falsehoods ~
Petrify effect will now only affect player targets

Affinity Posture Skills ~
CD reduced to 6 sec

Butterfly Dream 2 ~
CD 15 sec. Also reduces target's Dagos RES by 5%

Pine Wind 2 ~
Hits 3 times. 1st hit deals damage equal to 30% of the difference between current and Max HP. 2nd hit deals damage equal to 30% of the difference between current and Max SP and Paralyzes for 4 sec. 3rd hit deals damage equal to the sum of the damage from the first 2 hits. First 2 hits have chance to deal Wood damage

Boreas Manas 2 ~
Debuff remove chance raised to 100%. Also has 30% chance to raise damage reduction by 10% for 20 sec. Every 12 points of Stun RES raises chance by 1%

Unyielding Flower 2 ~
No longer consumes Spiritual Breath. Also protects buffs from being removed for 8 sec and raises Dagos, Fuwa, and Felkin RES by 5%

New and Graceful 2 ~
Also reduces CD to healing skills by 10 sec

Everlasting Expansion <Zen> ~
Raised chance to remove Ancient Soul effects from non-player targets

Induced Painting 3 (Earth, Ocean, Hero) ~
Earth: if caster is Felkin, skill will give Skill Accuracy and clear 2 debuffs
Ocean: consumption of Spiritual Breath was removed and if caster is Dagos, it will extend duration 12 sec and raise chance 30%
Hero: if caster is Fuwa, raises healing effect substantially and extends duration 6 sec. Also raises Felkin, Dagos, and Fuwa RES by 10% for 12 sec

Induced Painting 3 <Sky> ~
Raised duration to sky's effects and raised amount skill damage was increased

Autumn Vista 3 (All) ~
Adds 140% AP to extra damage. Reduced Earth's CD to 27 sec and removed consumption of Spiritual Breath from Hero

Separate the Fundamentals (Star Skill) ~
Makes Separate the Fundamentals have a 100% chance to remove the CD to affinity, chroma, and m.tome versions of Elemental Skills. Now reduces the cooldown to Separate the Fundamentals by 120 sec (24 sec / rank)

Abstain Effect (Unfettered Care, Wonderful Summit, & Self Sacrifice <Zen>) ~
While under this effect, the caster cannot receive healing effects. When the effect duration ends, the caster will receive a 1 sec damage immunity and will have their health fully recovered
When a Sylia character is in the Abstain effect, if they're in invigoration and use a Health Battery, their HP will not be recovered and 200 points will be taken out of the battery.

Heavens Unite ~
The Avert effect will now also make the caster immune to Chained Soul, Spirit Burn, and a Disguise effect

Heeding Calligraphy ~
CD was reduced from 40 to 20 sec and duration lowered from 30 to 17 sec

Dream of Huaxu ~
If the caster gets the skill's blessing effect, the time restriction to use the Introspection effect again will not apply and the duration of the effect will be extended 10 sec

Wonderful Summit ~
The effects of this skill will go into effect sooner while casting

Sky Dust (Star Skill) ~
When these skills reach rank 4 & 5 the duration and value of the Vigor Reduction effect will be raised.
Also when the skills reach rank 5, the Vigor Reduction effect will no longer require a critstrike to go into effect


General Skills:

Wine of Longevity and Sentimental Fragrance
Cast time reduced to 1 sec

DEF Reduction Skill Effects ~
All will now involve the caster's AP when reducing a target's DEF

Max HP Reduction Effects ~
The max amount that can be reduced is equal to 50% of target's HP

Blood Curse ~
At rank 20, chance to remove buff raised by 10%

Blood Mood ~
Recovers 3000 HP plus 3% of caster's Max HP after being damaged

Hidden Talent ~
Damage Reduction raised to 20%

Vanishing <Bane> ~
At rank 20, also lowers target's Anti-Felkin and Felkin RES by 6% for 10 sec