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SMF - Just Installed!


Started by CompeR, June 29, 2018, 02:07:03 pm

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All Events will be annouced here.


June 29, 2018, 02:08:24 pm #1 Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 02:31:37 pm by CompeR
00:00 30 June 2018 - 00:00 01 July 2018 (UTC):
- Double Vote rate.
- Double Hourly rate.


Automatic weekly event added.
Each Sunday and Saturday since now there will be:
- Double Vote rate.
- Double Hourly rate.


August 10, 2018, 04:19:27 pm #3 Last Edit: August 10, 2018, 04:23:18 pm by CompeR
- Bilu Event will start on Sunday 12 August 2018 and will last till Sunday 19 August 2018.
* Bilu will appear near Shady Dealer in Sunstream.
* Players will be able to perform Celestial Mirror Quest.
* Rewards : 200 TP, 5% chance for timed mount (Snow Fox); 300x Spiritual Covenant; 1x Silver Sigil. This quest can be done 3 times per day with 10 min cooldown.


From 15:00 on Friday 28th September 2018 till 23:59:59 on Sunday 30 september 2018 there will be x5 hourly GJ rate active!


Halloween event!
From 00:00 on Monday 29th October 2018 till 23:59:59 on Monday 4 November 2018 there will be 2x VOTE and 2x HOURLY GJ rate activied.
On Wednesday 31 October 2018 special boss spawn event may occur!


JD Reborn Christmas Event & New Year Event

* 2x more hourly GJ and for vote till 23:59:59 on 30 December 2018.
* 3x more hourly GJ and for vote 25-28 December 2018 and 31 December 2018 - 1 January 2019.
* Server rates boosted: 2x EXP and 2x DROP 21 December 2018 - 1 January 2019.

* Santa Event in game will be launched on 21 December 2018 and will be available till 28 December 2018.
* ING New Year event will be annouced after next update.

* Mailing promo. We will implement `Redeem code` mechanics in the website.  We will send mailing with promo code that will allow to obtain special Christmas Gift Pack for selected character on your account. This code will work server-wide and can be shared with other players.


Easter Event
(Part 1)
From 00:00 on Friday 19th April 2019 till 23:59:59 on Thursday 25 April 2019 there will be 2x GJ vote and 3x online GJ rate active!


Birthday Events
2x EXP , 2x GJ vote rate and 3x GJ hourly rate will be active till the end on this month.

Last Man Standing for PvP Masters
LMS exclusive for PvP faction masters will take place in Saturday 29 June 2019!

All participants will receive 2x Diamond Sigil.
Winner rewards are:
* Custom Title with stats (Increase Skill Damage +3%,Ignore Damage Reduction +3%,Damage Reduction +3%)
* Heaven Island Dominator Seal (
* Crystal Sigil
* Privilege Supreme Pack ( - Big Yella mount from this pack has 8.0 speed.
* 100$ real cash (via paypal) or 200$ worth jaden donation to selected account.

Donation Event
Each donation between 2019-06-20 23:59:59 and 2019-06-30 23:59:59 will be counted towards special event ranking in Account->Donate for jadens.
Only players that donated within last month will see this ranking.
Usernames and values are hidden unless its your own account.
Top10 players in this ranking will receive rewards visible in event table.
Top 1: Same rewards as PvP faction master LMS winner.
Top 2-3 : 3x Diamond Sigil + 90.000 Chroma Beads
Top 4-6 : 2x Diamond Sigil + 60.000 Chroma Beads
Top 7-10 : 1x Diamond Sigil + 30.000 Chroma Beads