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Clan Skill Upgrades - Mob Locations

Started by makeuqq, April 30, 2019, 04:59:34 pm

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April 30, 2019, 04:59:34 pm Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 05:27:02 pm by makeuqq

I've been trying to find the mobs for upgrading clan skills (level 1 to 2), and so far only managed to find the Superior Monkey (Jadeon Realm 6, [312 -211]).

If anyone knows where Vigilant Monkey, Vigilant Edgespirit, and Superior Edgespirit are, and want to share the coordinates, do it here.  :D


Found some more:

Vigilant Monkey: Jadeon Realm 4, [180 -186]

Vigilant edgespirit: Jadeon Realm 5, [382 300]



May 04, 2019, 01:21:30 pm #2 Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 11:34:47 am by Gyci Reason: updated coords
Lv 4 shared fortune:
Mob: Superior Arachnide
Realm: 6
Map + Coords: The Billows -136,36

Lv 4 Life together, die together:
Mob: Superior Conjurer
Realm: 3
Map + Coords: Skysong -132, 370

Lv 4 Teamwork:
Mob: Vigilant Conjurer
Realm: 2
Map + Coords: Skysong 242, 194

Lv4 Strength of Union:
Mob: Vigilant Arachnide
Realm: 4
Map + Coords: Billows -295, 432