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Jaki stone prices change or dont change

Started by tide, July 02, 2018, 03:07:18 pm

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Should Jaki stone prices drop or stay the same?

Drop the price.
10 (83.3%)
Keep it the same
2 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: July 05, 2018, 03:07:18 pm


The jaki stone pr ices are really high i think respecing tier skills should be cheaper, way cheaper.


Jaki stone price is high? How about 1k jades just for 100 portal charms LOL. Not even gonna talk about storage upgrade,telegems,pots or puppet protectors. I think bonus jaden should be able to get us this little character things that don't affect the gameplay when cosmetics are already removed from there (which are available on official server btw). The whole marketplace needs a rework imo but yeah I'll vote cheaper Jaki's!
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.


I dont think there should be done a lot of rework when it comes to prices. I agree that not everyone has astrolabe by their hand, so I would welcome at least 30% off the portal charm price and ye, jaki stone is way too expensive if you need to reset your build multiple times. Other than these I wouldnt change anything else, cause devs want to make this server in a retail's image. Making it progresively easier will make it similar to other servers and not that attractive to people who want to enjoy official JD's vibe ;)
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