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Guide - Basic and Cosmo Guides! Part 2.

Started by The92Ghost, September 01, 2019, 11:57:51 pm

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September 01, 2019, 11:57:51 pm Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 04:48:55 am by The92Ghost
Step 4:


Yea you heard right, those mini children, walking through the whole time after some player. They are called GUARDIANS, and they increase your HP, your Defense, your Damage and your COSMO, by huge chunk.

To get to the guardians, you need to use the menu on your screen, which can been found on the far right side on your monitor, right under your mini map, and next to your quest tracker.

So, to find them, follow the steps on the top picture:

1. Slide your mouse cursor over the first emblem (circled in red) of the side line without clicking with your mouse on it.

2. Move your mouse to the icon surrounded in the second red circle, and click on it with left button.

1. That your main guardian, which will show up every time when you press the button with the guardian icon, right bellow your HP and Stamina Stats (or Energy Stats as some call them)

2. Other Guardians - Now note, even though on the picture is shown that all 5 of the guardians there, have in mind that those 5 spots, are empty and even locked until you unlock them. If you don't know how to unlock them, check the explanation after this one.

3. Guardian Skills - There plenty of these skills in Guild Warehouse Tab 2, but you can buy them too, with special item, check further explanation after that, for more info.

4. Guardian Cloth/Gear - Yea your heard right, these 3 spots are for Guardian Gear, unfortunately I don't have any, because I didn't craft, but I will explain you to you, in further explanation, how to craft it.

5. Guardian Stars - Or the way I like to call it Emblems for leveling up. Yes you can see the item which you need to get so you can raise your Guardian Potential, have in mind that this increase is random and pretty much can raise your guardian skills and the PL which it gives, but as well can decrease them, it's up to your luck!

Guardian Shop:

To buy stuffs from the Guardians Shop, you will need reputation first, to get that reputation you will have to complete one quest each day, pretty much like Daily Quest.

1. Kiki - This little guy, gives you quest each day, you must take it. The quest is easy to complete you need 10 of these . Yea you saw right, this is the same item which you use to enhance/upgrade your gear. It drops left and right in dungeons. Once you complete his quests, you get reputation, which you need so you can get more stuffs available in the shop.

2. Shop for Guardians - Yep, that twin on Kiki, is the guy with your stuffs for the guardian.

1. This is the list with the items available for you, you can buy any of them for your Guardians, as long as you have reputation. Mine are red because I don't have item number 3.

2. Guardian for level 59, you can buy this guardian at level 59 for 60 000 NPC Money and 50 of the special items (number 3) which you need.

3. Special Item which you need to buy stuffs from that shop. This item can be found left and right in dungeons, as well you can get 3 by completing each day the daily quest for reputation from Kiki.

4. Skill for Guardian - from this shop you can buy skills, like the ones which I show you on my Guardians. Have in mind that there is 4 tabs, in each one of these four tabs, there is something different, for example higher level Guardian, higher level skills and so on.

5. Page 1/2 - There is almost in every single tab Page 1 and 2, may be more, don't forget to check page 2 and 3, if you don't like something in page 1!

How to craft gear for Guardian:

You go to the same NPC from which you buy stuffs for the guardians and you choose second option:

Once you pick this option, you will get a new window popping out:

Now the thing which I've surrounded with red circle, is an item which you get from cash shop for Green Star Coupons. However, you need these only for your first ones, later on you will need them too, because some of the higher-level gear wants several parts of a lower gear and this item, or Silver/Bronze Fragments!

You need to scroll all the way down and the last tab is the one with this item. You might need NPC money as well for the craft and of the special items for buying stuff from the shop, so make sure you have them all in your inventory first, before you proceed.